We'll have to show our faces to Yue later.

I think so, and I get up.

"Is there something wrong?

"Oh, I wanted to report this to Yue and talk to her."

"Okay. I'll take care of the rest."

I snorted and left the office behind.

When I left the office, I decided to look for Altria as an escort and foot replacement.

That's how, looking for it.

I was wrong with the maids.

When you look chilly on the side and walk early to the corner.

Lords are adorable.

"I know. He said he was moisturizing his eyes with tears when he saw someone coming back to the hall after being lifted up."

"Shit. I just imagined something about that scene, my chest is getting cum"

We were having a conversation.

This is all Sister Hell's fault, too.

That's what I thought it was, Sister Hell came from the other side.

"Morning, Sister Hell"

"... good morning. Lewie."

I greeted him in the morning and tried to pass beside him.

He grabbed my collar again.

"Where are you going?

"Hey, I'm at Lord Deane's at a work meeting."


Sister Hell narrows her eyes.

Going under Yue shakes his head vertically because it's true.

"... okay"

That's what he said and let go of my hand.

Phew, all right. Now you can go without any worries.

"Worried, so will my men"

"Eh ⁉"

Leaving the hall, I cross over to Altria and head to Yue's.

It would be nice to go.

"... Huh, how can this happen?

"This, too, and I think it's something called your master's morality. I am."

Altria looks indescribable.

Right. Whatever.


Because a bunch of knights in full face helmets imitating black armor and skeletons are moving to surround us.

Sister Hell lent me a platoon of the first unit, said to be an elite unit among the 'Knights of Death' under my command, either as an escort or as a guide.

Everyone is solidifying themselves with matching black armor and their own personal armor.

Honestly, I don't want to walk with you.

I said no to the boulders, but they didn't listen to me for some reason.

Mmm, I thought you were a good listener and a good talker.

"But loaning an elite unit as an escort is not proof that you think your master is cute?

"Sure it is, though."

That said, there is no other danger zone where we are going to go.

Yet you don't have to wear such an upright escort.

That's all I care about about Lord Lewie.

As we spoke, someone came from the side to interrupt the conversation.

He manipulates the warcraft on which he is riding so as to match the steps of Altria.

"Uh, what about you?

"I'm late to greet you. On top of that, forgive me for the disrespect I suddenly interrupted the conversation. My name is Joshua, Chief of Unit I of the Knights of Death under Hermine."

Joshua greeting over the helmet.

From his voice, he looks like a man.

"The order from Hermione was to stop Lewie if he was going to go to a dangerous place."

"Well, I want you to leave my brother alone."

"Don't you think she's as cute as a handful of kids?

"I think so."

After that, I talked to Mr. Joshua about no other love.

So we arrived in front of Yue's shop.

When I got out of Altria, Yue came out of the store.

"This is, Master Lewie. What can I do for you today?

"Oh, today,... yeah?

I saw Yue's face, but he looked like he was laughing at something.

Does this, maybe, know about yesterday?

"... Lord Deane."

"Come on, and excuse me. Okay, I'll show you inside the store. Go ahead."

Yue led me into the store, trying not to look at me as much as she could.

You know this for sure.

Put Altria and the others on standby in the store, and I'll take Yue's guide into the room.

When you enter the room. Yue laughed out.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I laughed when I heard the story, and I thought I'd see you."

"... you don't laugh so much."

I look at Yue with a clear face. [M]

You think Yue is bad, too, but I'm trying to laugh. Look at me.


Keep your mouth down with your hands and turn away.

Seeing you shake your shoulders, you seem to have gotten into a bump so much.

"I mean, how do you know about that?

"Oh, yeah, the guy I sent out to the messenger said he saw you coming out of the store. He said it was like a kitten with a cat in it."

Mmm, I can't argue with just the fact.

Seeing Yue nibbling, I find it unsavory to continue this conversation like this, and wave another.

"Ohon. By the way, did you do what you were asking for?

"Oh, I did what I was told. Well, there's nothing wrong with me without an alliance."

Sure. I've already established my position as a merchant, so I don't have to let 'Bianco Pipistrello' create a territory for the other districts.

"When my men spoke, they accepted it with pleasure."

"Right. Good."

I wanted to know where it was.

If Sister Hell hadn't been around then, I wouldn't have had to do this kind of trouble.

"So, what are we going to do? You're going straight back to the mansion?

"... you know what I'm asking?


Yue says so, fucking laughs.

Damn, you're absolutely telling me.

When I went back like this, the maids said I might be able to see it with warm eyes.

"... I'm gonna go check on you for a second"

"Inspections. That's a good excuse."

Damn, the smile that I realized something about is very frustrating.

But I'm not sure I can beat my Yue opponent with my mouth, so I honestly pull back here.

"Bye. I'll be back when I can do my errands."

"You don't have to do anything else. As for this one."

"I don't think I can do it now."

Whatever, I have my sisters.

Because there are troublemakers who want to talk about it.

I'm not saying anyone.

"Right. That's too bad."

Yue says not to look so sorry.

When I took a seat, Yue took a seat as well.

"Let's drop it off. How about that?

I said nothing and made Yue like me. [M]

When he leaves Yue's shop, he walks out surrounded by the Knights of Death.

"Master Lewie. Do you mind telling me to keep going home to the mansion?

That's what Joshua asked me.

"No, I'm gonna go check on the South Side for a bit"

"Is it an inspection? Haven't you heard that in your plans for today?

"You can call it a punch or be patient."

If I go with the Knights of the Reapers, won't you have some patience?

Because it's very noticeable.

"Okay. Shall we come?"

Oops, looks like someone who surprisingly understands the story.

I was wondering exactly if you were going to say, "Master Helmine told me, so don't stop by and go home" or something.

Is that what you think was on your face, Joshua replies with a smile.

"Well, after one thing yesterday, I know you'd be hesitant to go home,"

Mr. Joshua says with a bitter smile.

You're a good man.

With that in mind, we head to the South End with no other love stories.

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