Back in the hall, I broke up with Liu.

And I came all the way to the room used as a guest.

I knocked on the door of the room.


"It's me."

"All right, let's go."

When I opened the door and entered the room, Tina was rolled with her hands restrained on the bed.

Actually, I caught Tina when I saw Liu leave the hall and left it with Sister Fell.

Sister Fell's room had Sister Hell, but I left the rest to the two of us, and I followed Liu.

What I said to Liu earlier was easy to hear when I caught Tina.

"Welcome home. Any luck?

"To nothing, when it's here, Liu's got a hard mouth."

"Well, you have a tough mouth."

Sister Fell sighed with a freaking face saying she was in trouble.

"Well, I don't know what else to do, so why don't we talk to Tina here?"

"Ha, no, what can I tell you? Master Fell."

"Right. You just have to tell me what you're up to."

"Oh, I don't know either."


"Yes, it's true."

"If you're lying, I'll make Warcraft lick the back of your leg ~"

Sister Fell says pleasantly.

This sister has always been an abusive hobby. I especially love to annoy cute kids. Physically, mentally.

"Hii, hiiiiiiiii"

Tina was frightened.

"Fell. Not really."

Sister Hell stops Sister Fell.

"I'm sorry. It's funny how this kid reacts when he tries to."

Oh, is this the predator's laugh?

Tina was freaking out when she turned that grin on her.

"Ho, I really don't know. Even today, I don't know why you didn't take me with you to that store."

"Huh. That's how it's done."

Seeing how frightened you are, you really don't seem to know.

"To be honest, I don't know what Lewie is and he's on that team. If you know, it's just Lishmond. ⁉"

"Uh-huh. That's him."

"Is that him..."

"... is that him?"

We looked sinister.

Lishmond, Liu's most asked for subordinate.

Honestly, why do you have a dead king? I thought.

It is the highest ranking among the undead, and if you feel like it, you can even lose your country.

It's weird at a time when you're making such a presence for your people.

Liu relies so heavily on a guy who exists like that.

I can't, maybe, but neither can Brother Soavigo, Sister Izadra, or Sister Rosé.

When I heard about it, I knew him somewhere like 'deep' and I heard that the horse fit and kept him subordinate, but it wouldn't normally be possible.

Because Andette hates the living. I don't mind if it's a demon tribe.

Is Liu also surprisingly a talent for people?

"Uh-huh. What's going on here?

"I have no choice. Do we have to wait until Lewie tells us?

"Right. Shall we?"

After that, we asked Tina a lot about what Liu had done when she came to the city.

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