All the full members, except Usul, Lowpan, Cain and Ars, all the provisional members.

"... you can't do this any more"

Gaius groans as he looks out the clock.

Since Usul and Lowpan are not here, I decided to wait a little, but they never show up.

So is that. Because you've already caught him.

"Deputy leader. It's time to go, or the war over there might end."

War. I don't think it creates that bad a tragedy.

That's what one of the members said, so Gaius sees Mr. Molbe.

Mr. Molbe nodded, so Gaius opened his mouth.

"I have no choice. We're coming too."

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ⁉" "

None of our members cheered.

We left the store and arrived in the South End.

"... That's quiet"

"Oh, yeah"

When we got to the South End, it was still quiet.

"I haven't had enough tits yet"

Gaius looks around.

But I can't hear combat anywhere.

"If this is the case, don't move so badly. It's the best way to scout nearby."

That's what Mr. Morbe said.

Surprisingly, he also seems to have knowledge of tactics.

"Right. Bye, you guys. Get in pairs and scout the vicinity."

That's what Gaius said, he joined a threesome and scouted the vicinity.

Of course, we searched together.

Away from all the members, we stopped.

"Well, I guess it's good here."

"... there's no one around."

Mr. Carmilla looks around.

"Okay. Bye, Mr. Carmilla"

"What could it be?

"I was wondering if you could send a message to Deane."

"Okay. What, should I send it?

"'Proceed as planned,' he said."


Mr. Carmilla came out of his own shadow, a black shadow. The shadow became the figure of a bat.

"Go. My family."

When Mr. Carmilla said so, the black bat flew away.

Now, after that, you just have to follow the plan we talked about beforehand.

That's what you think.

do-o-o-on ⁉

When I thought there was an explosion, I heard a cry from somewhere.

"... here we go."

"I heard a noise in the direction, over there"

"Shall we go? Both of us."

We turn to those who make noise.

He also joined the members scouting the area as he headed toward those who had heard a flashy explosion.

"Did you guys hear that noise?

"Well, if it sounds so flashy, anyone will hear it"

Everyone is talking while running.

Fine, I heard a loud noise. Well, naturally.

When we get where the sound came from.

"" Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ""

Members of both the "Runpage Club" and "Crimson Tigger" teams were bumping into each other with their thought-provoking voices.

"Expose yourself to death. Do it."

"That way!

Screw you.

"Fuck you first!

With that being said, I'm bumping my score.

This is going to take a long time.

Thinking so while hiding in the shadows, the Morbes came.

"What's the status of the war?

Don't even say hello, that's what Mr. Molbe asked me.

"So far, neither team has been able to push in or contain them."

"Yeah, well, it's good to watch the game until it's over."

I agree.

That's what Mr. Molbe said, so we were all hiding in the shadows, watching the two teams fight.

In the meantime, I slipped out with Tina and the others. All the members of "Puzelseilane", thanks to their concentration in the fight, fell out without any particular problems.

We hid ourselves in a nearby alley and made sure no one was around.

"Mr. Carmilla. Put in a message to Deane that the war is starting in this position."


I confirmed sideways that Mr. Carmilla had sent out his family.

All you have to do is wait for it to bump into you.

Send Yue a call and we will return to the shadows where we can see the battle between the two teams.

Then, thirty minutes later.

Gradually, but the situation has changed.

"Shh, push, push!

"Now the South End is ours."

That said, it was' Crimson Tigger 'who would hang up the offense.

The 'Rampage Club' has been pushed by the momentum.

Again, it seems big to have no leader.

With that said, where did the leader of the 'Rampage Club' go? I was talking about Bashid, and he said he dumped him in the woods around there or something, but was he attacked by a bunch of demons?

Well, this one's more important than that now.

When I looked at it, I thought it was time for all the members of Puzelsay Lane to get their stuff together so they could run whenever they wanted.

Another thirty minutes later.

The situation has been completely decided. The people at the end of the 'Rampage Club' began to escape.

Apparently, the settlement has arrived.

"" Whoa, whoa, whoa, we won. ""

Crimson Tigger people cheering for victory.

Everyone is happy to win the Rampage Club.

I'm gonna stop under Gaius because I'm a little curious to see how that goes.

"Excuse me. Deputy leader. What is the leader of" Crimson Tigger "like?

"Oh, you can even see it from here. That's him."

Gaius pointed, so I look at the tip of that finger.

It was a demonic man who was there.

No matter where I looked from, I wasn't mixed or anything, I was a demonic man.

"He's Gorda, the leader of Crimson Tigger."

"... I don't look like a tiger anywhere?

"Maybe I just wore it in the name of a strong looking animal. Red tiger feels cool."

"Cheng Cheng"

I don't even know how that feels.

"Well, it's time to go. In front of you."

"" "Ouch!

Gaius pulls out his sword, and when the decree is issued, the members of 'Puzelseilane' put their strength into the hands of the gainers.

And have Gaius' decree.

"... Him"

Gaius waved down his sword and gave his life.

"" "" Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ""

With that voice, the members of "Puzelseilane" came out of the shadows.

I went after him, too.

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