Wait, thirty minutes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting."

Yue walked into the room and thanked him.

"Hey, Lord Deane."

When I greeted her easily, Yue smiled.

And when I look at my sisters, when I look at my sister Isadora, I look at me again.

"What about this one?

"Oh, this guy is"

"I'll hang on to you first. Deane, right? My name is Izadra and I am Lewi's sister. Best regards,"

Didn't you just say something? Is it your fault?

"This is a polite greeting that hurts. Lord Lewie is always making it better. Both public and private."

Yue also says with a smile.

"Oh really? Lewie is about the same age. I can't help but want to be close to a woman."

"Ho ho. Right. If it was Lord Lewie's age, it wouldn't be surprising to be interested in women. Well, no one seems to talk about friendship."

"Oh, really? Lewie?"

"Yes, no, sticky, that's not why"

"Ho ho, didn't you also say Lord Lewie could lift his wings away from the Devil's Capital?"

Stop! Don't talk to me like that.

Even I'm a hard man to forgive.


Something came to my attention when my sister Isadora looked at me.

We have to delude the story here.

"With that said, how did your sister get here?

"Oh, that's easy. I'm here to see my little brother."

I thought so.

Everyone, except Yue, looked just like me.

"Is that it? I feel like I'm having a faint reaction?

"Uh-huh. Well, I was wondering if it was as expected."

"Is that what you expected? Uh-huh. I thought you'd be a little more surprised."

It's not surprising how many times I've done this to boulders.

"It's Izadra. Don't lie to me."

"I know. Sister, Lewie, and everyone else, we were just kidding. Because there's really another reason."

"Another reason?

Did you come to snore Yue?

"What's the reason?

"We're not talking here, so we'll talk when we get back to the hall."

Sounds like a pretty important story.

"I get it. Then let's go back to the hall."

"No, you can go back a little later"

Why would you do that?

"Why don't you talk to this guy for a little while before you go home?

That's what my sister Isadora asked me with a smile.

"No, I don't think we have anything to talk about anymore..."

I feel so pressured even though I smile.


"Isn't that good? Oh, Lord Deane, do you have time?

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm free after this."

"Really? So, shall we also talk about the public? Hehe."

"Yeah, let's talk about it in full, as long as we allow you time. Ho ho."

Both of them. You smile, and you see some ghostly dragon behind your back?

"... Ro, Sister Rosé"

"Bear it."


We had no choice but to participate in discussions with my sister and Yue.

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