The next day.

When I woke up, I changed from bedtime to clothes and finished my breakfast. The first person I headed to was Yue's.

It's time for some kind of contact. Even if you're not here, you know where you are now.

When I left the hall, I took my escort, Altria, to Yue's shop.

When I arrived at the store, Remay fans greeted me when I entered the store.

"This is, lord. In a good mood."

"Hey, how's the economy?

"Yes, that's already a happy scream up your right shoulder"

"Oh well. Have you heard anything from Lord Deane?

"I was just about to send someone about it. Yes."

With that said, Remay fans respectfully handed me a sealed letter.

"I received a letter from the Chairman to Lord Lewie this morning."

"To me? Thanks."

Receive the letter.

I won't even open it here, so should I go back to the museum?

"Well, here I am."

"Yes, we look forward to seeing you again"

Remay fans dropped us off and we went back to the hall.

On the way back, I see the seal.

It was written in Chinese as "To Shinko Inomata". Does writing in Chinese mean that it is so important that someone has trouble seeing it?

What are you writing about?

"Master Lewie. What does the contents of that seal say?

That's what Altria asked me.

"... I asked Lord Deane to have a place to live when I went to the other continent. I think that's the answer."

"The journey. I'm glad that's a good reply."


Somehow, because of Yue, I thought so while Altria rocked me, thinking I wouldn't have the worst possible location.

When I went back to the hall, I broke up with Altria and headed straight to the office.

You can say you're quitting the Lordship, but you have to take over for the next person.

And when I got to the office, Lishmond was already here.

"Good morning. Master Lewie."

"Oh, good morning"

While I say hello, I sit in my chair.

"Quickly though. Master Lewie, look through this."

That said, it was a pile of paperwork on my desk.

"What is this?

I took one of the documents on the top. [M]

It says, 'Preferred female type. Lamia Version'.

"What's this?

"Ha. Master Lewie says he's going to the other continent, so the non-Titans' families don't know who to put on the offering, and this is how they sent it on paper"

It's a survey.

Nothing, I don't like or dislike that.

"I don't have a particular job today, so please fill out this paperwork"

That being said, there are nearly a hundred of them, no matter how you look at them.

"Will it end today?

"It's up to Lewie."

You're right.

In response, I looked through the documents in my hand and filled them in order from the top.

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