Liu took the people who were leaving the country with him and proceeded north.

After a few days, he left for the coast.

"Uh-huh. You haven't seen the ocean in a long time."

I stretched out my body as I bathed in the sea breeze with my body.

I went to the shore, and I saw the water.

The wind is not strong. Shame on you, the sea is not rough, sunny, but there are clouds. If I were to leave the ship, it would be a day I wouldn't complain about.

But it came to shore, but there was no shadow or shape of the ship anywhere.

"Hey, Liu. How are you leaving the country?

"Well, look"

That being said, when Liu reached the shore, he said "please" to the turtle he put on his shoulder and lowered the turtle to the ground.

Then the turtle walked out and jumped into the sea when it came to shore.

"Yeah eh ⁉"

Are you all right? That turtle.

I thought, I looked at the sea with a little face from the shore.

Then. The tortoise was still on its way to the sea, and suddenly her body grew larger where it was thought to fall into the sea as it was.

Even though it was a dot at first, it gradually grew bigger for some reason, and at the end of the day it went from shore to about a little higher in size.

"... what, this?

"I say spiritual turtles. It's a warcraft."

"Reiki? You mean tortoise-shaped warcraft?

"That's right. Take this back and cross the ocean."

"Ha-ha, this is amazing again."

Whatever you think, it's about the size of a little small island.

Is that what you think, the spirit turtle? moves his body and points his neck toward us.

And I put that neck down to shore.

"Pass on Non's neck and go to the back of the armor."

"Okay. Then get in from the Eisenbrut tribe first. After that, get on board in tribal order with a large number of people"

When Liu instructed him to do so, they all complied without complaining.

Instead, everyone was blinded by this spiritual turtle.

Because it's rare to see such a big warcraft, we all look interesting.

Even as I watched it that way, the boarding work continued.

When a woman with a tail like a squirrel who said the last 'Cassacal' tribe or something got on board, all that remained was Liu.

Liu looked at me as he saw everyone boarding.

"Sister Miriam. I'm coming."

"Yeah. Come on in. Not really, don't push it."

"I'll do the best I can."

"Ha, that sounds like Liu"

When I heard Liu's reply, I hugged him.

Suddenly, Liu seemed surprised because I held him, but I wouldn't mind holding him.

"Even if you go to the other continent, good luck"

"... yeah"

And I walked away from Liu.

"I'm coming."

When Liu said so, he rode the head of the spirit turtle.

And the spirit turtle moved out.

"Good luck. Liu Hu"

I shook my voice up and waved loudly.

Liu also waved loudly instead of replying.

I stayed on the spot and kept waving until I couldn't see Liu.

And a few days after Liu and I broke up.

With the soldiers Liu did not take, I returned to 'Kaonji'.

When I returned to the hall with the soldiers, there were the Isa sisters at the entrance of the hall.

"Welcome home. Miriam, it looks like you've been away a long time."

Sister Isa looks around with Kyoro Kyoro.

"Oh, I can't see you."

Besides, Sophie and the others aren't here.

The boulder is sister Hell. You have good eyes.

"Oh, actually."

I told the Isaacs a few days ago that Liu had left the country and how.

"No way, in that way, uh-huh. Lewie, but Lewie..."

That's what I said, and Isa's sister fell. Seeing that, Sister Hell hastily intervened.

"But I'm surprised. I can't believe she's really leaving the country."

"Sister Fell seems surprised too."

"Yeah, in that kid's case. I was wondering if the plan would fail."

Oh, I can see that.

Liu was caught trying to get somewhere for a long time.

"... anyway, you mean Lewie left this country? I don't mind going any further than I said."

Sister Hell groans with lonely eyes.

"You wanted to drop me off..."

"... right"

The two looked up into the sky. I'm sure he even remembers Liu's smile.

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