From outside the inn, he named me out loud, so he hastily changed and left the room.

When I left the room, Tina and Arneb were there.

"Ah, good morning. Both of us."

And when I said, Tina pulled my cheek.

"Swallow what? 'Ah, good morning. Both of you. You know what's going on!

"Also, of course"

"I've just come to this city, how come it's even called Lewie's mother's name by name!

"Come on."

"You did something again, didn't you?

"I didn't."

Yesterday, all I know is that my mother is said to be a legend.

"I mean, I almost acted with Tina and the others yesterday, but I guess I didn't have any particular problems or behavior."

"Uh-huh. That's true."

Tina took her hand off my cheek.

"So, what was that designation earlier?

"No, I don't know,"

"Master Lewie. Could it be that yesterday, the people involved have become obsessed?

Tina grabbed my chest when she heard Arneb say that.

"You. I knew it, you were doing something!

"No, it's not that I did anything. It was an accident."

"Accidents? I read in some books that the person who caused the accident sometimes doesn't think it was an accident, but it's not true."

"That's prejudice. Please, listen to me."

It took me a while to grab the chest barn and calm Tina, who rocked me.

Finally, I calmed Tina down, told her what happened yesterday, and for now, we decided to go outside.

Along the way, Tina and the others said, "You're brave enough to say you're going to cause it. Shall we make them charcoal?" or "You're an idiot. If you kill him, the end will be troublesome. It's best to get your arm or one of your ears in here," I thought we were having a scary conversation, but I guess it's my fault. Yeah.

And we went outside the inn.

Near the inn entrance, with the fox eyes and the skin of Baichel, the jaw line was thin from the cheek, and the black hair was tied together and flushed down to the waist, so I made the impression of a woman, but I found out that there was no chest and that there was a throat buddha, so it was a man.

And the man was growing two black horns toward heaven by his forehead.

"Are you Mr. Lewie?

The man looked at me and asked. [M]

Yes, I'm Lewie.

In the meantime, let's name it.

Then. The man suddenly knelt.

"" "Eh ⁉" "

All of a sudden, I kneel, so we raise our voices of surprise, but the man spoke freely.

"Forgive my disrespect for not saying anything beforehand in such a morning's time. Minutes, last night, I heard about Mr. Lewie, and I've been searching for a place to stay. Please forgive me peacefully."

"No, that, I don't care. So, what about you?

"Yes, I am a mercenary called Digoku."

"Ha, what's that mercenary doing to me?

"Mr. Habaki will take care of you. Yesterday, when I came to this city and stopped by the guild, I caught a story in my ear about 'the son of a massacrer came to this city', so I wanted to know if it was really your child."

"Really? Do you know my mother? Well, you believed it."

To put it this way, my mother and I are not that alike.

"No, I've known Mr. Lewie since he was a kid, but Mr. Lewie looked just like Mr. Lewie when he was a kid. It's no exaggeration to say two melons."

"What, really?

"Yes, it's true"

My mother used to look at me and say, "You look just like me when I was a kid," but it was true.

You're telling me it's true that boys look like mothers.

"It is. Um, I'd like to hear more about it, so why don't you go inside?

When I let the boulder kneel in a place like this, I can't help but wonder because I have eyes.

"Thank you. Okay, sweeten your words."

We tried to get into the inn.

There he is.

"I finally found it."

Yeah? Now what?

While I was thinking that, a lot of people came along.

"I finally found it. Fucking kid."

"Uh... who?

I didn't recognize her face, so I asked her.

"Are you going to forget about yesterday or what? Am I?"

"Even if they say so, who really?

"Tenmei. Yeah."

I'm angry, but I really don't know who it is.

Arneb wears it beside me and whispers in my ear as he gives it back to me.

He was the one I strangled yesterday.

Yeah, if you ask me, you looked like this.

Are you sure it belongs to a team called Red Crow?

"Well, I heard it was a threesome team."

Now, uh, Hifumi... there are thirty of them all.

"Probably called out to the Alliance."

"Oh, my God."

"Oh, you don't know Master Lewie, do you? Alliances are a team-based system that many teams make when they work together."

"Cheng Cheng"

Heh, it wasn't like that in my last life, so that's surprising.

"Hey, hey, now, if you're gonna come over here and apologize, I'm gonna forgive you."

"Apologies and nothing. Yesterday, Arneb attributed it to you?

"He would have made us kneel."

"Even so, this one has nothing to apologize for."

"Well, you don't seem to be going to apologize. All right, I'm gonna rip you off, and then I'm gonna enslave you and sell you off."

That's what I said, the men missed the point.

"Simple thinking or not too short-circuited?

"Don't say that, you wake up the ones who are still sleeping in the inn."

Tina put up a demon bullet gun and Arneb pulled out his sword.

I have no choice. Do you want to go wake everyone up?

If you try to act that way.

"Whoa, wait"

Suddenly, Mr. Dygok shouted out loud to stop the 'Red Crow Alliance'.

"What is it?

"I have an appointment for this guy. Until it's over, you'll be all right."

You're kidding me.

"First, let's give him a blood festival!

After listening to Mr. Digok's words, the Red Crow Alliance and the others stick their scores to Mr. Digok.

Seeing that, Mr. Digok shrugged.

"Heh, are you going to kill me for that?

Oh, I said 'myself' earlier, but now I said 'me'.

This looks like something's switched on.

And Mr. Dygok smiles at me.

"Master Lewie. Excuse me. Will you wait a moment? Hey, we're ready for the wild, so can we clean that up?

"... Yeah, I don't mind."

"Really? Bye."

That said, Mr. Dygok puts his hand in a space where there is nothing.

A knife came out of the space that fell into the sheath.

Well, in this world, then, I have a knife.

In length, this looks like a machete.

Mr. Dygok brought it all the way to his face, holding his sheath with his left hand.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take too long. If you want to escape, you're inside now, right?

My spine trembled as I spoke a cold voice like ice.

That seemed to be the same with the other guy, his hips pulling.

"Right. Then Mercenary Brigade" Yi (Gi) Death (Shi) Ghost (Ki) Eight Bundles (One) Tin (Calf) "Second Generation General Director Digoku Kirisangajo. Push."

That said, he pulls a knife out of his sheath, throws it to the ground and hits the 'Red Crow Alliance'.

"" Eight bunch of righteous dead tigers, "he said. ⁉"

"The strongest and most fearful group of mercenaries on the continent."

"I didn't hear you have a guy like that!

Oh, there's some air of battle already.

This place, yeah. That's it.

"Shall we go inside the inn and wait?


"I agree."

We decided to go inside the inn.

I hear screams and stuff, but ignore it. Ignore it.

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