Mr. Dygok told me to stay in this city for a while, so I was wondering if I could call the people who are outside the city.

"I don't think I mind. If you don't say something to the mayor or the great guy in this city on the boulder, I'm sure it'll be a hassle later."

"Right. When I say great people in this city,"

What comes to mind is Mr. Gimlet, the guild master of the mercenary guild.

"Say a word to the Adventurer and Mercenary Guild, well, you'll be fine"

Well, in this world, then, there's the profession of adventurer.

"Excuse me. What is that adventurer?

"Oh, I'm sorry. The youngsters don't know, do they? Simply put, those who work in treasure hunting and exploration are called adventurers."

"Hmm. Well, wouldn't that be the same job as a mercenary guild?

Mercenaries were not only active on the battlefield, they were treated like stores.

"Right. In the youth, adventurers and mercenaries do the same thing, but there's only one difference."

"What's that?

"It's an exemption from military service. Those who belong to the Adventurer Alliance are exempt from military service during war. Instead, adventurers have higher registration fees than mercenaries."

"Heh, yeah. Why, why did you break up when the job was the same?

"That's right. A few hundred years ago, a mercenary belonged to a mercenary guild, who worked primarily in site exploration and treasure hunting. A country in which one of the guilds to which the person belonged became at war with another country, and the guild was charged with military service. The mercenary who hated it created the organization that preceded the Adventurer Alliance with the mercenaries who felt like it. And then there's all sorts of things, and now it's recognized as an Adventurer's Guild."

"The journey. At last, the job is the same, but if you don't want to be lent to military service, do you feel like to the adventurer, or to the mercenary if you don't mind military service?"

"That sounds like it. In fact, many of the treasure hunters (Han) stores (Tar) and scoundrels belong to the Adventurer Guild. Conversely, warriors and wizards belong to the mercenary guild."

Hmm. When you hear this kind of talk, you know how it's been quite a while since your last life.

"I don't know how many young people you have, but no way, you don't have 10,000, do you?

"Ha ha, I can't bring you that much to the boulder"

"Right. Well, if it's under five thousand, I think you'll accept it. This city is huge, too."

"I hope so, then, Mr. Daigok"

"Young. Please don't hesitate to call me 'Digoku'. Because you're not great enough to be young."

"Even if they say so, I'm in such a great position too......?

Is it great because your mother is out of one of the Nine Families of Ghosts?

"I think you're in a great position. Anyway, he drew the blood of the Lasatsky family and is the grandson of our current lord."

"Ugh, when they say that, it's great."

"That's why I'm calling out to the Adventurer Guild. I'm not too young, but would you like the mercenary guild to speak up?"

"Oh, that's good."

I was just going to ask for it. This Digok guy, he looks like a cutter.

When Mr. Digok tried to get out of the inn, the other people he thought had just slept with came out of the room.

At first, we exchanged greetings with Digok, and then we all decided to go to the mercenary guild.

Outside the inn, there were a large number of people falling on the ground.

They all say, "Ugh..." or "Bullshit..." so they seem to be alive.

Daigok, who came out with me, said unwittingly, "Well, I'll let you go to the Adventurer's Guild," and gave me a hand and went straight to the Adventurer's Guild.

Don't change your complexion when you see this tragedy, you're not the same person who's accustomed to the battlefield as walking away.

And we couldn't help but admire it, so we headed to the mercenary guild.

A short walk out of the inn brought me to the front of the mercenary guild.

So, when I walked into the building, it was making noise like I poked a hive for some reason.

"What's going on! Explain."

"I'm sorry. I have no idea why this is happening."

"Does that excuse make sense?"

Just get a replacement mercenary ready.

"Over here too!

"Right now, no one is available. So, I'll pay the penalty, so for today, that's it."

"Don't be ridiculous! I won't talk to you then. Send out the Alliance Master."

For some reason, people dressed like merchants at the reception are yelling at the receptionists.

What the hell is going on?

That's what I thought, just before my eyes, I saw a mercenary I knew yesterday.

Sure, someone who was acting with someone named Phyllix.

Just fine, let me know what's going on.

"Excuse me. May I have a word?

"Am I right? Oh, you, from yesterday."

"Hi. I say Lewie"

"Whoa, I'm Sesta. Say hello."

"Best wishes. By the way, what the hell is this all about?

"Yeah, the mercenaries who did the job didn't come to the rendezvous somehow, so the merchants came to complain."

"Mercenaries not here?

"Oh, yesterday, all those guys who are allied with 'Red Crow' you did a little rubbing"

"Bu ⁉"

Isn't that, maybe, the people Digoku beat up?

It suits the situation, so I'm sure of it first.

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