That day, I showed the faces of me and the executives of The Eight Bundles of Tibians, and we had a little chat.

The executives told me that they were wondering what life their mother was living right now.

Then the executives said, "I wonder how I made you my wife?" or "Tied me up, forced me to attack you?," he said.

I also said I didn't know because I hadn't heard of it. [M]

After that, we had lunch together.

Don't remind me of the big food show I saw in my previous life when I watched you eat dishes served like mountains instantly.

The people who come out, they were all unique.

"Yeah? What's wrong? If"

Digoku stopped eating and asked.

"No, it's nothing. Oh, if you say so."

"What is it?

"You know your mother's a snack."

When I said that, everyone stopped eating.

"Oh, right. You eat less in that gatai ~"

Digok had a distant eye.

Yes, it is. My mother looks like that and eats too little.

We ate together, and the only thing that was put in front of my mother was a chunk of meat about the size of a fist and bread and liquor.

I thought seeing as this wasn't good enough.

"Right. It's a snack, but you had a May fly on the flavor."

"You can tell. I had eaten a good amount of Oyama's warcraft before, and the meat was so delicious, but the next day, I was asleep."

Heh, that happened.

"Anything else?

"Right. Later."

I listened to my mother's embarrassment.

After that, it became a soothing dinner party all the time.

The next day.

I finished showing my face with the Digokus.

The rest of the executives will be in this city in a few days, so we'll wait for it.

The rest of us are listening to female students, so I wonder what they are. I look forward to seeing you.

As she continued to prepare to open the store with a cowl, the store door was knocked.

"Who would that be?

"I'm still getting ready to open the store. Leave me alone."

That's what Carmilla says as we prepare together, so if you try to keep getting ready.

Also, the door was knocked.

I have no choice but to ask them to go home and say that they are still in the process of opening the store.

I stopped my hand and headed for the door.

When I opened the door, there was an easy-to-move pant-look person there.

With a frivolous face, a small horn grows at the forehead.

She looks like a woman because she has quite a developed breast. Slurry hips. Cuddly tight ass.

You look like you're in Treasure Tsuka.

"Um. Can I help you... hmm"

Something suddenly, I was hugged.

"Nfu... you're adorable. You."

Hey, all of a sudden, what? ⁉

"Oh, is that cheating in front of you?

Hiya, I feel a cold kill from behind something.

"I can't believe your sister's kids are so cute, hehe, I can't even predict a boulder."

Sister? Who is it?

That's what I tried to ask, and I heard some running footsteps.

"Shit. I want to be late!"

This voice is a digok.

"Digok. Who's this guy?

My face is pressed against my chest, so I can't see Digok's face, but I asked him anyway.

"Oh, uh, that. Remember the story we talked about yesterday about Captain Five. Come on?

"Of course."

"As you can guess. My name is Aoi, captain of the Eight Bundles of Tibian Squad, and I am embracing a young man."

"hehe, nice to meet you"

From above my head, I heard a bell ringing.

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