Tina and Carmilla transported you? We came to Fountain Square in the Central District.

You two, take me down to the ground and look around.

"Mother, you're not here yet."

"Where have you been? It's not so far from where it was earlier, and it should stand out because there's a fountain."

"... what are you doing? You are."

I heard Sophie coming from behind me, so I looked back and Sophie and Lanshye were there.

"Oh, hey, hey, kigu. I can't believe this is happening..."

Tina is reading a bar as she swims her eyes. I just think it's obviously suspicious.

"It won't be an odd encounter. You've been following us since we left the store."

"What are you talking about?

"What are you talking about? We don't know? We're off today, so I thought I'd do a little shopping, so I came to the Central District every now and then, and I just found Lewie."

You thought Tina was going to borrow, Carmilla joined and tried to delude you.

"Lie to me. I just heard from Lancheye that she's been following me since I left the store."

When Sophie said so, Lanshye bowed her head as if she was done.

"This is, that's it. I kept it a secret from my mother, and I followed her around trying to escort Lewie."

"Right. That's what I thought."

Both of them. My eyes are swimming too much.

"... haha, well good. You don't seem to answer me if I ask, so I won't ask you anything."

Sighing, Sophie stopped asking any more.

The two breathed relief.

"Master Lewie. Can I act with my daughters?

"I'm good..."

I wonder about Tina and the others.

I thought so, and when I turned my eyes, Tina and the others clasped their shoulders.

"Well, this is how they found us, and let's look around the city together"

"Right. I don't have time to chase after Lewie and the others."

"May I join you? Master Lewie."

"I'm good."

When I said that, the three of them were horrified.

"Well, we're done going around the Central District, and we'll go see the West Side next. I wonder if I could see the South Side when I have time."

"That's fine over here."

I don't have a problem with that.

"Me, too."

"I'll leave you to Master Lewie"

Everyone seems to have no objection, so we decided to go to the West End.

After a short walk, I immediately reached the West End.

Unlike the central district, where the lively voices were flying until earlier, this one was quiet.

People walk sparsely, but there are no store-like shops in particular.

So when I saw if there was anything, I found a symbol I was used to seeing.

Mark with red feathered birds paired.

"The Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. Was it here?"

I didn't expect to find you so soon.

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