We wanted to talk about the product, so we headed to the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce once.

When I arrived at the Chamber of Commerce store, I was led straight to the room to talk.

"Hey, if you were dealing with a customer at the store, you'd better come into the store and say, 'You're Thomas. Our shop tendo? I'm calling. Will you come with me?' So when I came to think of something, it happened, so let's be honest, I don't know what it is."

Mr. Thomas sat in my opposite seat and told me how he had come.

By the way, Mr. Thomas is a former escort. He's behind me now.

"Hey, when I can't even deal with it, I called to borrow Mr. Thomas's help, and apparently, he's relieved that the other side took the liberty of making an early point"

"Ha ha, is it the left"

Mr. Thomas drank tea and moistened his throat.

And when I put the cup down, I smiled.

"Um, Master Lewie. That's the product you got, what kind of treatment do you get?

"Oh, we've already decided that."

"When I say"

"The best item in a weapons-related product is for us to take and give you the other product and the other half. So I'll let you sell whatever you don't want in your store."

"Not so much ⁉ But to be honest, this time I just showed my face. So can I get half of the product if I say the rest?

"Yeah, I don't mind. Your chairman has had a lot of conveniences, so I think we can do this."

"Really? I thought I'd get a little spill, but I never thought I'd get half of it."

"Ha, you're being honest"

"Yeah, this is my deal, and the chairman said, 'Honesty is a virtue,' and he put me in my current position as a businessman."

"The journey. The chairman has an eye for people."

Yue's father also had an excellent eye for seeing people. You said the guy who caught his eye was born without exception or something. But somehow, you liked me. I wonder why?

"Master Lewie?

"Oh, excuse me. Will you send the weapons to my store later? [M] So I'll take some and give it back to you. So, I'll take the rest you don't need."

"If that's what Lewie says, I don't mind."

"If you don't have a problem, that's fine."

In the meantime, when I decided on the product handling arrangements, I had a little chat and left the store behind.

Leaving the 'Phoenix Chamber of Commerce' store, I headed to my shop, on the road, a former escort spoke to me.

"Hey, can I have a word with you?"

"Something? Er..."

Is that this guy's name?

"It's a caboomoss. What am I supposed to call you?

"Oh, right. You can call me whatever you want."

"Uh-huh. So, boss?

"I don't remember being the head of a dark man's organization."

"No, enough, I'm doing what I can for them. The boss."

"Yeah, you know. It's a little payback."

"... right. So, can I ask? Boss."

Something's settled. What choice do I have?

"So, what do you want to hear?

"How can you even give the product you got to the 'Phoenix Chamber of Commerce'? If you sell it all in the boss's shop, you'll make a lot of money."

"The pile that leaves will be hit."

"Yeah? What do you mean?

Hmm. Don't you see what that means in this world?

"Simply put, when you make too much money, people hate you."

"Huh. Right."

Cub moss with a face that you don't really understand.

Hmm. Let Lishmond educate you in this, and make it a little plain ground?

"Yes, yes. Now that you're under me, we have to have a welcome party tonight."

"Or a welcoming party? Are you sure? I am."

"I don't care now that you're one of my men."

"Well, you seem generous."

Cub scratching his head - Moss.

When I arrived at the store, I introduced Cub-Mos to the people in the store, and that night, I went to a nearby store and held a welcome party for Cub-Mos.

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