The next day.

Clean inside and in front of the store as you were told.

And put a bill on the door of the store saying, 'We are not open because we are renting out today'.

I told him to clean it up, so I poured water in front of the store.

Everyone seemed to wonder that they were watering the water in a bucket in the cold like this, and all the people passing by looked suspiciously. It is hot water that hangs it, so when it can be hung on the ground, the hot air will only stand for a moment.

Seeing that, everyone looks curious to see if it makes any sense. It doesn't make any particular sense. It's just that the ground in this city is not cemented with concrete, so when carriages go by, the dust and dust will rise, so I'm keeping it down.

Looking at something I'm doing. Four carriages came.

On the side of the carriage was a flag flying.

"The moon and tulban in the redlands ⁉"

"Isn't that the flag of the Istrian Empire ⁉"

"Why is a carriage flying the flag of the Empire here?

"... whoa. Look at the crest on the back of the carriage. Yikes."

"Am I right?... Oh, that's 'Two-headed Wolf' ⁉"

"That must be the royal crest of the Istrian Empire. ⁉"

"That's right. I mean."

While the people watching are surprised, people descend from the carriage stand. That was Superintendent Zayim.

That Zyme opens the carriage door with a respectful attitude. And then someone came out dressed in a black jacket with only eyes out of the carriage. The coat is not exposed except for the eyes because it is large enough to wrap the body completely around it.

Zayim crawled on all fours on the spot. The man stepped on Zayim's back and then went down to the ground.

And look at me.

Something is very eye-catching. I can't help but notice. In the meantime, I stopped working and knelt.

Just give him a little face as he kneels, and look at the carriage.

Being there, Zayim next opened the carriage door and crawled on all fours, just like earlier, becoming a stepping stone for those on the carriage.

The people who have come out of the carriage so far are dressed in black jackets with only eyes.

Is this what you look like when you go outside the women of the Istrian Empire?

Thinking so, I was surprised to see the last person out dressed.

Bright orange dress. Fits perfectly to your body, then you have intense exposure.

He doesn't just expose his navel armpits and stuff, he also shows the valley of his big grown chest. It looks cold because the dough is so low.

I don't know, I don't think you can dress like that often in the cold. In a double sense.

As I was kneeling, Zaim came to my side.

"This is my mother, Saffy Sultan. This is the First Lady's" Blue (Marvi) Rose (Guru) "Dear Serene. The Second Lady's" Rose of Crimson (Al) "Dear Heos. This is the last one."

One of the Emperor's sisters, Irace Sultan.

On the way Zayim was explaining, a woman named Irace named her.

"Thank you for introducing us. I am the manager of this store. My name is Lewie."

"Heh, you're young enough"

Mothers other than Zaim look at me.

Irace and the mothers are with Amber's eyes. The First Lady has blue eyes. The Second Lady has red eyes.

Something, I feel terrible pressure.

"Hmm. Zayim. Are you sure this guy fits in the manager's shop?

"I'm afraid, Mother and Queen. We also went into this city and walked around every store looking for it. Definitely."

"Right. By the way, it's Lewie."

"Yes. What is it?

"Looks like they were outside, but what were they doing?"

"Yes, I cleaned the front of the store as I waited for you to come"

It would be good because it is not a mistake.

"A special concern with its youth. It is heavenly and clear. Then show them to the store."


I led my mothers and mothers into the store. [M]

Upon entering the store, the mothers and mothers checked the raw yarn of Arakune to see the material.

I'm so serious, I was curious and asked Zayim.

"Women in our country can make clothes for their husbands or their families and become known as ladies in public. And in a few moments, because of His Majesty Aslan's birthday, you will make your own clothes."

"The journey. So the raw thread from Arakune in my shop is suitable for use in the clothes that Mother and Queen give to His Majesty Aslan, right?

"Exactly. Originally, it is said that the raw yarn of Arakune is sturdy but difficult to colour. Therefore, the raw yarn sold in your shop is not dyed, but is colored, so it is very popular with the upper class in our country."

"Ha, really?"

I didn't know. I had only sold it to merchants so far, so I didn't think it was that popular.

Then, the mothers and mothers bought all the raw yarn of Arakune and all the processed products made of the corners of "Emerald Horn Dear" and all the processed products made of fur.

Ladies and gentlemen, I took the carriage with a hazy face.

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