Something happened to the bell on the way, but the journey went well.

I arrived a little later to reach the capital.

"Are you almost to the capital?"

I was surprised it would be the Times after a thousand years of bells teaching pet feeding time, but there wouldn't be anything else on the boulder.

I mean, did you make anything else?

"Other than the bells... did you build a classroom to increase literacy? Afterwards, I think I have developed a food culture. Others..."

"What's wrong? Young lady."

"No, it's nothing"

Looking back at the past life, Creha called out to me when she realized how strange I was.

Well, there won't be anything like a bell anymore, so it'll be fine.

"Really? If you're not feeling well, tell me."

"Yeah. Okay."

That said, because no one will believe what happened in the previous life when I said it was the cause. I can't tell anyone.

While we were talking about it, we came to the gates of the capital.

The gates are open, but people are lining up to enter the capital. Besides, it seems to be taking a while because I'm using magic to test it.

"This is going to take a while."

"Right. He said he could see the statue of the first king."

"The statue of the first queen?

"That's it."

I can see something quite large behind the gate that is open at the end where Kreha pointed his finger.

"It's a long way from here. I can only see it."

"At the gates on all sides of the capital is the statue of the First Duke, which welcomes visitors."

"Heh, heh, yeah."

Who is it? That's what I built.

"Four statues are riding warcraft, but each one is different. The North Gate is Behemoth. The East Gate is Griffon. The west gate is Cerberus. They say the South Gate is riding Garda."

Wow, isn't that all the pets I had in my previous life?

The other two, by the way, are three-necked dragons and manticore called Azi Dahaka.

Don't wonder what kind of statue it is.

Being in line with that thought quickly became our turn.

The response of the soldiers being inspected on the lookout was given by Kreha.

I don't know if that's the case, but I was able to enter the capital immediately.

As I dived down the gate, I saw the statue of its first duke. Okay, well, what kind of statue is that?

I look at it with interest.


I lost my word.

It was Griffon because it was the East Gate that came in.

The Griffon of the statue is already exquisitely crafted and is about to move.

Now I can wonder if magic in the statue would make a gargoyle in the form of a golem or a griffon.

That's still good. It faithfully reproduces the griffon I had in my previous life. It's a good place. Yeah.

But I can't.

I don't know what to do, I don't have a face at all and I'm not so skinny on top of that!

What's more, this pose has a V-sign on his right hand.

I don't know what that means.

Looking at it like that, the person who arrived in the capital, dressed up and traveling like us, asked the person who was cleaning next to the statue.

"Hey, how come the First Duke is signing like this?

"Oh, that's right. I hear the First Duke used to sign people like this, so when he made the statue, he tried to sign it."

"What does that mean?

"Legend has it, when the First Duke showed us this signature, he said," No problem, "so they say this signature means," If you leave it to me, it's all fine. "

"Cheng Cheng"

Is there a reason for that?

This sign is twice as good when there's a problem with the budget, okay? I just meant it!

Why are you telling me this?

"Oh, oh..."

All I can say for now is come out the producer.

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