A few days after the day Mai and the others arrived.

I still spent the day in a room in the inn. [M]

This is the best place to go because when you go outside, it causes damage to your spirit.

Occasionally, Tina and the others ask me not to see the outside event, but I'm escaping for a good reason.

Sometimes I can't get away with the boulder, but at that time I tried to minimize the damage by losing my mind.

So the month passed after acting separately from the flowing Digokus.

"It's time for the Digokus to come to the capital."

When I whine while reading a book I bought at a bookstore.


Lillim made me a cup of tea at a distance I could reach from where I was.

Sip so you don't make a sound. Yeah. Temperature.

The taste and temperature are fine.

"It's still delicious."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Lillim bows her head when I praise her.

Tina and I were like, "It's weird that you're next to Lewie, even though you're not doing anything."

I don't think I should let the boulder do some work because of that, so I decided to let him do something like my escort and secretary for now.

I thought I could talk to Lishmond and Akpala when I didn't have anyone with memories of my past life, and I let them get the job because I had talent that would be fine if I let them do anything from my past life.

Regardless, I also disagreed.

But it was strange why Tina and the others were not the rooties who were escorting her.

They said there would be no reason to let a guy who doesn't know where the horse bones are to play the escort, but is it because you felt like you were hiding something from the truth?

No matter how much I forgive you, you didn't listen to me, so Lillim boiled the business.

"Then you should show your strength."

I was going to fight Tina and the others who complained.

Results. Lillim's overwhelming.

Lillim won without even using the weapon I gave her. [M]

I didn't think Dada was in the painting of the Ten Jie people.

Shown its strength, Tina and the others reluctantly accepted it.

But he seems to be selling fights to Lillim sometimes, but he gets kicked lightly.

"By the way, who are you to say Digok?

"Oh, don't you know Lillim? He's a member of the Eight Bundles of Tissues, which Kreha originally belonged to."

"" Eight bundles of righteous dead tigers "? I know. You're a famous group of mercenaries on the continent."

"Yes, the current leader there is Digoku."

"What is your relationship with Master Lewie?

"He was my mother's cousin in this world. It's like my mother put in a report about taking care of me for a while, so we're acting together."

"The journey. Really? By the way, what is Master Lewie's mother like?

You wonder what he's like. Lillim looked intrigued.

"... in a nutshell, is it a wreck?

"Are you devastated?"

"Honestly, that's all I can say."

Whatever you think, other words don't apply.


Talking to Lillim, the door knocked.

When I tried to ask, Lillim opened her mouth first.

"Who could it be?

"It's Shalu. Master Lewie. I'm here to say hello because Digok is here. '

Listening to Shalu say that, Lillim looks at me. When I snorted, Lillim said, "Let me through."

Sharyu and Digok were there when the door opened.

"Now, if you'll excuse me"

Shalu walked away from the spot in a courtesy of letting Digok in the room.

"Hi. Young. Sorry I'm late."

"You don't have to worry. 'Cause I got you in trouble even here."

"Thank you for your concern. By the way."

Digoku, who was talking, turns to the woman beside me.

"What about you?

"You've been my secretary for a while, Lillim."

"Nice to meet you. It's Lillim."

"Oh, this guy is very polite. I'm Digoku, the director of the Eight Bundles of Tibians."

Because it's our first meeting. Two people bow their heads and exchange greetings.

Now we can finally get out of the capital.

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