I talked to Ryusha and decided to leave the country in the name of taking you dragon men to pick up Mr. Sharon.

I have to go talk to Sister Rosé about what I'm going to do.

Izadra, I'm nursing my sister, so I'll tell her about it.

"Ryusho. Thanks"

"I am at your service and in an unwanted delight"

Ryusho salutes.

"Well, let's hurry up"

I took a seat and left the room.

Lillim stood in front of the room.

"Are you going somewhere?

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go over to Sister Rosé's for a second."

"Really? Now, give me your offering."

"No, I need it."

"Do you have any idea where Master Rosettita is?

That's what got me stuck. [M]

You don't know where you carried your sister.

"What, does Lillim know?


Lillim snorts all the time, of course.

You probably really know it because it's not the right personality to say that.

I don't know how I found out.

"Leave this place to Lillim."

"Thank you. Shall we come?"

Ryusha didn't come with me, so I took Lillim's guide to where my sisters were.

I even came to a room with a royal palace with a guide from Lillim.

"Are you two here?

"Yes, definitely"

I assure you, Lillim.

I thought I could trust you if I said so, and I knocked on the door.

"Who isn't?

This way of talking, you're Sister Rosé.

I replied thinking I was really in this room.

"It's me. It's Lewie."

"Lynn? Get in, but good. '

I got permission to come in, so when I tried to reach for the door knob, Lillim reached first and turned the door knob.

When I walked into the room, I didn't know whose room it was, but my sister Isadora was lying on the bed where it was in a clean, tidy room.

"Uh-huh. Rino, Rino, uh-uh..."

Sister whining rumors while sleeping.

I don't care if you're asleep or not, how long will you give me my name?

Ignore my sister, I turn my face to my sister.

"You've come a long way. Lynn, what can I do for you?

"Yeah. Actually."

I told her that if Lillian were to take office, her daughter Sharon would have to enter the country.

"With that said, you heard Jessica, the third woman, and they said she had another sister. I was so busy, I totally forgot."

"That's why I picked you up."

"No way."


"It's about the Lord, so we'll take those migrants and go straight to the capital."

Come on. Sharp. The boulder is one of my sisters. You know my character very well.

"Well, I know your Lord's Chamber of Commerce also cares, but the Lord, though, is the Prince of the Devil Nation. You will not be royal when you have forfeited your right to inherit the throne. I need you to join me in this important ritual of reign."


"But maybe not. Your Lord's plan is rejected."

Um, I thought you'd forgive me for your sister.

Is there any good hand in getting frustrated at the first point?

When I look at Ririm on the side, he's shaking his neck sideways just to cheer him up.

This is troublesome.

"Hehe, let me talk to you"

And where Isadora's sister rose to her senses.

"Is that it? When were you up?

"Lewie's here, so you have to wake up."

I thought I was asleep because I was saying rumors.

"So, we were talking earlier. I think Lewie can pick me up."

"" Yeah, yeah, yeah. ""

We doubted our ears at the words that came out of our sister's mouth.

"That woman named Sharon is even a royal family in this country, assuming. If so, the welcome person also needs someone with its corresponding status. Fortunately, Lewie is the prince of the demonic kingdom. No particular problem."

"Well, it's about Lynn, so maybe we'll use that as an excuse to go to the capital with the immigrants?

"Isn't that something good? There are more than ten princes of the demonic kingdom in this country. There's nothing wrong with being alone."

"Mmm, so is that."

Unusual, my sister is in favor of me leaving the country.

This is tomorrow, don't have a storm.

"But if you're just going to Lewie, we're a little short of foil"


"... Huh, Lord. Maybe."

"If I, the prime minister of the demonic kingdom, were an angel and Lewie was an ambassador, I would have no problem."

Wow, oh, I wondered why you were covering for me earlier, but is that why you say that?

The point is, do you want an excuse to act with me?

"Public-private confusion, this place is superb. But it's not bad."


"If Isadora is with us, we can reach her, and we can go to this country by the magic of the Gate."

Nah, nah. I can't argue.

"Therefore, if Isadora is with us as a compromise proposal, I will allow her to pick up Lord Sharon."

"Gugu,... okay. So please."

I could not change my belly on my back, so I decided to accept the compromise proposal.

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