Lewie, your second sister's intervention made us unwilling, but Lewie agreed that you would take the boys from Nishien Temple.

At the end of the discussion, we decided to leave the room and talk in the room that Chang Chang was using.

Even so, there is nothing to talk about. One way or another, I just hear Chan Chang's dissatisfaction.

"Hey, no, the knob guy. Ever since I was reborn, evil wisdom has come to work..."

Upon entering the room, Chang Chang sits in a chair and bites his thumbnail.

Did you dislike what you agreed to without interruption? The nail-biting face seemed grumpy.

It won't heal in any number of years. The habit of biting your nails if something bad happens.

"Well, well, you have no choice what you decide. Chang Chang."

"I know. I know, but I don't know..."

I understand with your head, but your mind doesn't feel convinced. Shit.

"That said, it was Chang Chang who admitted it first. And yet I don't know if I'm gonna complain."

"Although in that situation someone will have to break first. Otherwise, if they run out of hands,"

"Well, if they say so, so be it"

Lewie, I told you to keep yourself out of danger, and if you were cut off from that person, you could only call me an idiot.

"He doesn't know how dangerous it is."

"Oh, yeah, you are"

Abandoned capital.

It was the capital of the former kingdom of Vaberia.

It is also referred to as the 'capital of the Yellow Ruins' in some countries and people.

The ruins and the appearance of pyrites everywhere in the capital are said to have been made of minerals similar to gold.

Not only is there a mixture of various dead people in that capital, but there is a steel warcraft in the figure of the beast.

If a living person steps in, he will never be able to return alive again, the capital of death.

If anyone wants to go to a place like that in a pleasure mountain mood, I can only think of them as suicidal aspirants.

Once upon a time, some country attacked to make the abandoned capital a territory after it had to be purified. He dispatched an elite army focused on cleric warriors, but the result was that he would lose about half of his army.

Since then, no country has been able to attack its abandoned capital.

Adventurers seeking treasure that seems to be in the abandoned capital. Every year, clerics and others who seek to purify the dead in ruins come aboard, but most of them do not return.

As a result, it is rumored that the death toll in the abandoned capital is increasing year after year.

Near the abandoned capital, there are frequent sightings of dead people roaming out of the capital.

"... but..."


"I think if we go together and act together, it won't be dangerous, rather than being forced to say no and cut off the edge. I am."

"... hmm"

Chan Chang turning away.

All I can see is the sides, but it said I should go with you if I was about to be cut off from the edge.

You fell in love with each other's troubled people.

I thought so and smiled.

"What. What about those raw, warm eyes?

"Sticky. Just"


"It's just that people like us are good, so you can't leave us alone."

"... right"

Chang Chang smiled gently with all the consent.

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