Are you saying you're going on this two-torso ship ⁉

on a ship that seems to be one of the largest of the larger ships ⁉

"Oh, you know. This is a boulder."

"If you were to carry me and your legions, you would need this much."

"Yes or no?

I know your sister's army, but what's my army?

"Thought the army in the territory was disbanded?

"You will gather as soon as you speak."


"I don't know about the twelve clans and the tribes that live in the Tree Sea, but the Eisenbrut clan will be fine if you speak up."

Yeah, I guess so.

Because you're a kind of robot.

"The path to the sea of trees will make my way by my magic, so it is possible to call it out."

"But hey, is there an army to go to the capital and the abandoned capital?

"It's Lewie's escort, so you need this, right?

No, I don't think you need it.

"I think an army of sisters or an army of Eisenbrutes is enough?

"No, it's better to have two legions to protect Lewie. So I'll take two."

"I guess so."

"I'd really like to take about five regiments, but I compromised on two regiments considering the current state of the kingdom and other countries on the continent."

Compromise. Is that more natural in view of the situation than a compromise?

"Brother Soavigo, will you allow the army to move?

"It's no problem where it is. I've already spoken to Soavigo."


He's as good at rooting and stuff as ever.

"But I think the two regiments have a lot of boulders."

"Lewie may think so, but I don't"

Well, the abandoned capital seems to be a pretty bad place by rumors. Can I take two legions?

"Well, for now, we need to go back to the Devil Nation and tell them to go to the Eisenbrut tribe and lend us the legions."

"Right. You better do that."

"That's why, sister"

"Yes, sir. I know. But wait a little longer. That magic takes time to prepare."

"Okay, I get it."

That said, I took Lillim away from him. [M]

But are you taking that two-torso ship to the vice capital? That sounds pretty conspicuous.

Even if I disagree with you more than that, it's my sister's business, so I'll give you some reason to go on that ship.

Well, that's not the problem, it's about Yue and the others.

Because you're not entirely convinced of all three of them, you have to convince them properly.

But I wonder who I should convince you from.

Walking with that in mind, I saw Mr. Murakamatsu coming from the front.

"Ah, Mr. Lewie."

If you look at me, you wave a boom. [M]

"What's wrong? Muramatsu."

"Yeah. Lewie, I'm here to see you."

"To me?

What can I do for you?

"Here, then, what is it? Trying to get over there."

So I grab my hand and take him somewhere. [M]

"Ah. Wait. Senna!"

Lillim rushed after him.

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