The next day.

"Oh... I'm really tired"

I went out with my sister's shopping and went out with her in various places.

Weren't you looking into it beforehand? I came and went as many shops as I thought I would.

I hung out shopping until I felt better about my sister without getting tangled up by a bad gal.

Speaking of which, I looked back because I heard something, but there was no one there.

It was strange then, but in retrospect, you saw your arm pulled into the alley.

Forced, you were waving up and down if you were pulled in.

Let's... let's just say I think it's a mistake. Yeah.

More than that right now, we need to get Yue and Vertebra to agree to go to the capital and the abandoned capital today.

I thought so and tried to leave the room.

The door was knocked.

"Who is it?

"It's me. Lord Lewie."

Is this voice Yue? What happened so early in the morning?

When I opened the door thinking so, I accidentally rubbed my eyes.

Because Yue and Mr. Vertebra were there.

Mangoose on snakes. Dragons and tigers. Water and flames.

Those words came to mind.

What you're trying to say is that there's something incompatible with each other in front of each other.

"Hey, it's a good day, huh?

"What are you talking about? It's gonna be cloudy this morning."

"Oh, there's a dove parked on that branch over there."

"Mr. Lewie. That's a raven."

Why not? I couldn't think of anything strange about this unexpected situation.

This place has to be a normal place. Heh, heh.

"Good. I could calm down"

A deep breath allowed me to become a normal mind.

What are you two doing? It's seen with the eyes, but I don't care.

"So, what brings you two here?

I asked, smiling as much as I could.

Somewhat, my face may be pulling, but this much would be acceptable.

"I'll be right there, just listen to me."


It's about you guiding the dragon men.

I was just about to talk about it.

"If it was conditional, I could go."


What the hell kind of condition is that?

I didn't know what the terms would say, and I swallowed the saliva.

"We will take you with us. That's the deal."

"Eh ⁉"

Is that the condition?

"Is there really anything else?


"In fact, do you want to use this to kidnap me and escape into a secluded place where no one else is coming?

"That's very disturbing, too, but I wouldn't do that."

What's the purpose, then?

"After discussing it with the vertebrae, I came to the conclusion that it would be better to do so."

"So I decided to act with you, Lewie. With Mr. Yue."

Behind some words, I feel like hissing why I have to act with a guy like this.

You're smarter not to ask how that happened.

"Okay. Then let's go together."

I'll give you my hand.

"Oh, yeah"


Yue and Mr. Vertebra reached out almost simultaneously and tried to hold my hand.

When we hit each other's hands, we scattered a spark.

Damn, I thought it was getting tough to go.

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