Take my sister and we'll head under Kenniggin.

To discuss where to install the magic device of the Gate.

After a little discussion. Decided where to install it.

After that, my sister will install the device.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Lewie."


"Sister Rosé sent you a letter."

"Oh, yeah."

My sister wrote to me. I wonder if there was anything I wanted to tell you.

Receive a letter from my sister.

It's heavy in a seal. How many sheets did you write?

"Did you check the contents?

"You won't be checking the letters my sister sent to my brother."

Is that true?

After all, I thought I would check it because it was my sister's business, but didn't I?

"Then I'll get to installing the device. In the meantime, do as you please."

"Ha ~ i"

In response, we left the scene.

I left under my sister, so I decided to look at the letter I had received.

Pria pulled her sleeve when she tried to get into the right room somewhere.

When I turned to you, I was pointing to a room.

The place was a room with a toy that I had been playing with earlier.

I thought it would be just fine if I could sit down and read it, so I decided to go into that room.

"Come on, Pria. Shall we play so that we do not disturb the reading of Lewie's letter?"

Lillim and Priya made the appearance they had made earlier.

I cut the seal of the letter as I looked sideways at the two of them playing.

Well, what does it say?

"To Lewie.

My dear Sage Brother. Is it a breath disaster?

I'm glad you haven't been able to return to your territory in a long time because of the Lord.

Well, that's good. There was one problem.

For more information, look at the second sheet.

Rosettita '

I looked at the second one, thinking it would be a very short letter for my sister.

"To Lord Lewie.

I find that I have arrived under you safely reading this letter.

It would be nice to put us down and take Murakamatsu home with us.

Problems arose when the matter was discussed at a later date.

There's something I can't solve without you.

Because you left your vertebrae behind, I am concerned about the position where the vertebrae are still likely to destroy the country.

Go home quickly, make your vertebrae grown up, because you can do anything in the language of love, in the declaration of Kansai or whatever.


Regardless, would you say a better word to me than you whispered to your vertebrae?

Otherwise, it's not fair.

If you're not going to tell me, let's just say we don't know what we're going to do either.

I'm hoping for an early return.

Yue '

I read the letter to the end and sighed, hitting it on my back as well.

I just wanted to refresh it a little bit.

But if I don't get back soon, I won't even be able to see what's happening to my country.

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