"You two disagree that I'm going to the Abandoned Capital?

Two people snort as soon as they ask.


"What I'm trying to say is, why would Lewie guide us?"

"I don't think so."


Lishmond shakes his neck to the side.

"That too. Is there a reason to go there?

"Rumor has it there's an Eisenbrut tribe, so I'm going to see what kind of species it is."

"Then I went to the Abandoned Capital."

"Yes, I am."

"Are you visiting the grave of the one who killed himself in his previous life?

"Like that."

When I said that, they all sighed.

I wonder why I sigh.

"I thought people were good, but not so far"

"Are you born with this personality, even though you have memories of a previous life? Or is it my way of raising them?

Something's out of my mind.

"It's nothing from my last life, so I don't think you have to worry about it."

"What kind of nerves do you have for visiting the graves of those who killed themselves in your previous life?

"Don't wonder if it should be called blunt or if it should be taken at a wide scale"

People who know me from my last life don't react like this when they say I'm going to the grave.

No, isn't your sister? Does it feel like there is no problem if I follow you?

"Anyway, I've already made up my mind to go. I don't care what you two say."

"Are you really going?

Of course.

"Let go of this grown store?

"No way, no one would expect you to be this big when you come back. I'll leave you two to it while I'm gone."

Honestly, isn't it more thriving than when I was the manager?

I don't feel that way.

"Mr. Lewie needs confirmation. That's where the mountains are going to build up."

I'll take care of the neighborhood.

"There are many people who would like to see Master Lewie."

"No way around there... anyone you want to see?

Who wants to see you?

"What about the facial rash?

"Yeah, well... when the status comes in order from the top. Goodwill ambassador of the Istrian Empire. Civilian with Goodwill Ambassador of the Republic of Zoon. Union president of the Union of Deputy Metropolitan Merchants of the Principality. Union President of the Union of Deputy Metropolitan Craftsmen of the Principality. Union head of the pedestrian traders' union. There are many other chambers of commerce meetings in this vice capital."

Whoa. How much connections did you make while I was gone?

"I can still tell the union president of the Istrian Empire and the vice capital. What about the Republic of Zoon?

"Ha, I liked the products from our Chamber of Commerce, so I asked the Republic to distribute them too"

"Oh, yeah."

Uh-huh. Surely I have to show my face.

"... can I go after the interview and paperwork?

When you ask, you two think about it.

"Well, I said we didn't want you to go either. 'Cause I think I'm gonna go, even if I say so."

"You can go if you do what you have to do."

"Then say so from the beginning."

'Cause that's it.'

Two people who say it with an unfamiliar face.

Well, Dragon Man, do you want to clean it up while you guys go to the 'Duchy'?

I just wish I had a reason not to show you around.

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