
For some reason, my skin suddenly popped.

"What? How does this feel?

It feels like I've felt it before. I couldn't remember where I felt it.

Rather than, maybe it's right that I don't want to remember.

I was fortunate that no one was around because I was taking a break now.

Because if someone were watching me, they would be worried.

As good as that. The question is, how did my skin get poppy?

Something must have happened. I made fun of it for what it was.

I don't know what it is, but I don't know what to do.

I felt bored, but I thought it was time to go back to work, so I left the break room and went to the room where I would work.

When I got to the room and was cleaning up the pile of paperwork that was on my desk, the door knocked.

I didn't have any visitors scheduled today?


'It's Sophie. I have something to tell you, Master Lewie. "

"Go ahead."

When Sophie is allowed to enter the room, she will be thankful.

At that time, my chest was shaking brutally, but I couldn't help but notice, but I coughed up and misled.

"What's wrong?

"Yes, I just received a letter from the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce"


Well, what's it say?

With that in mind, I received Sophie's letter. [M]

When you break the seal and look inside.

"Dear Lewie.

I told Mai your secret.

Then Mai says he's going with you to your abandoned capital.

I stopped, but as you know, Mai is stubborn. You won't listen.

Mai wants to talk about it and a lot of things, so she's coming with us soon.


That's why I told you my secret.

'Cause I thought being out of company seemed pathetic.

Yue '


No way, splash at this time ⁉

Really? Was the skin poppy heralding this?

Or bad.

Bad in many ways.

It's good to tell Mai my secret. Let's just say it's a good idea because we're going to talk about it eventually.

There's Mr. Vertebra and Lillim, but these two will obey if I insist.

But there was a problem. It is.

"Liu ~. You can go play somewhere because you're free ~"

"Uh-huh. I want you to go out with me because I want to shop."

"Lewie, do you have anything to do?

"Lynn, if you're bored, take care of him."

"... free"

Yes, my sisters are in full swing right now.

I don't know why I'm here, because the peace of the kingdom is almost over and I'm free.

If you put Mai and the others in this, it's going to be about a nuclear explosion.

I think I'll have my sisters come when they get home.

No, if I hear this story.

"Lewie's sisters - like to see who they are"

Something like that is going to come up.

Uh-huh. Nothing's going to happen.

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