Earlier, objects like lizards beamed out of their mouths had broken their knees.

We're on our guard, thinking what's going on.


Something like a lizard made a noise of intimidation, but did nothing more.

One by one, we're surrounded.

Still not moving, so I got closer.

And I touched it lightly.

I felt touched it, it was tufted like metal, but I felt warm.

Not as hot as a running engine. But it was warmer than human skin.

When I touch it as it is, I shake my body if I don't like lizard-like objects.

"... but why are you breaking my knee?

He didn't seem to like it, so he took a distance.

Earlier, he had made an attack, but now instead of attacking him, he was also weak about tight to move his body.

That was strange and I couldn't help it.

With that in mind, Pria approached.


Pria had no fear, and put her forehead on the area of the lizard's mouth.

The lizard did nothing when Priya did that.

After a few minutes as it was, Pria left the lizard.

"Got something?


I was wondering if Pria had done something and asked, but Pria is trying to tell me something by gesturing, but I have no idea because I can't talk.

What am I going to do?

"Hmm. Cheng Cheng"

"Heh, unexpected"

I didn't know, but Arian and Mai seemed to understand.

Is this some kind of telepathy? Or are you talking in a range that I can't hear?

I care, but I don't care now.

"Both of them. What's Priya saying?

"Oh, that's what she says."

Mai taught me.

That lizard's name seems to be MR-001.

This MR is called Metal Rex.

So, when I say how this MR-001 is breaking my knee, they say it's because I'm hungry.

Thank you. The Eisenbrut people around here are able to work not semi-permanently with demonic stones, but by consuming a certain amount of fuel called Yunkel.

So when MR001 tried to ingest that yunkel, he found us and attacked us surprised because I screamed, but he ran out of most of his energy and broke his knee.

"The journey. So, what's that yunkel?

I knew it somehow, but I asked Priya.

Pria pointed her finger.

The tip of the finger was where the black, drooling liquid that had been sipped earlier by a cat that had given birth to horseback riding was gushing.

I thought maybe so, so I convinced him.

"You mean you're hungry? Lillim."

"Yes, Master Lewie. I understand."

Even though he hadn't said anything yet, Lillim replied and headed to a place where a liquid called Yunkel was gushing.

I used to pick up Yunkel and find out.

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