MR001 moves toward us as Yunkel moves.

The ground becomes more shaky every time it approaches.

And when Yunkel came before us, it stopped.

MR001, who was taking Yunkel, sees us and stops drinking Yunkel.


Raise your voice like a threat.

You should be seen as alert.

Lillim and the others take a fighting stance, but I took control with my hands.

"Well, watch it"

I open my hands and approach MR-001.

I spread my hand to show evidence of no hostility.


MR001 growls, but I don't mind getting close.

"Oh, will you be all right?

"Master Lewie will be fine. Trust your own contractor, too. Besides, in case anything happens..."

Lillim forgives Ariane for her softness.

I mean, the second half didn't sound good, but what did I say?

I'm curious, but let's focus on what's in front of us.


It was a roaring MR-0001, but suddenly he shook up like a scream.

What, you got something?

I looked back, but Mai and I are the only ones here.

Nothing, but I thought so, and I saw Sister Hermione from the rock shade a little behind us. My sister was staring at MR-0001 with her face out of the shadow of a rock.

Oh, Cheng Cheng. So did you raise your voice like a scream? Convinced.

You noticed my gaze, my sister hastily pulled her face into the rock shade.

But I immediately showed my face that I was concerned. [M]

You didn't see him when you left the ship, because maybe he was going to follow you?

Why are my sisters so overprotective of me?

I'd like to ask you once, but I think we're all going to say "cuddly" or something, so let's stop.

MR-001 is now ahead of that.

She seemed to have noticed Sister Hell's glare, lowering her head and shaking.


When I heard him raise his voice like he was frightened, I stroked his head.

"All right, all right. It's okay, I'm not scared. I'm not scared."

Even though I said so and stroked her, she was freaking out. [M]

This is pretty frightening. We don't have a choice.

When I stopped stroking MR-001, I headed under Sister Hell.



"Which way?

Lillim and the others came calling, but now it's a waste of time to deal with them, so I ignored them.

Sister Hell pulled her face in when she saw me approaching.

Maybe you're panicking because I'm getting closer. [M]

And peered into the shadows of the rocks.

"Sister Hell."

"... Ri, Lewie. I was just taking a walk."

"Walk, hey."

Sister Hell, if you're going to lie, just keep your eyes peeled.

Besides, there are the Knights of Death people beside your sister.

Joshua, a familiar face, was there, so I immediately found out.

"It's a walk, why are you bringing your men?

Sister Hell turns her face around, pretending to be whistling something she can't even do.

Come on, I wish I'd confess.

... Wait. Doesn't having Sister Hell mean there are other sisters?

I thought so. I looked around again.

Then I saw Sister Fell and Sister Miriam from a separate rock a little further away from me.

Perhaps each rock has its own men.

Why are you following me?

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