"I can keep a big lizard like this. I'll give it back where it happened now."

When we returned to the ship with MR-001, the Rosettita sisters who welcomed us saw MR-001 and told us why they had brought them here immediately.

When I finished asking why, I raised my anger when I thought I shook my body up as a pull.


"Eh, bye. You think you can take this stuff home and keep it?

"No, you said you brought him home because you thought you could keep him"

"Where do you keep such huge objects? ⁉"

My sister points out that the MR-001 is an eye-catchment, so I haven't tried to elaborate, but there are about two meters.

Sure, animals this size? Though it can be hard to be a place to keep.

"If it's about another place to keep it, you can make it. That's about as much money as I can get."

"... but that's not true"

My sister is fiercely opposed to me for some reason. Why is that?

You're sweet to me. [M]

"Hehe, Sister Rosé. Isn't it good enough that Lewie has a pet?"

Sister Izadra came over there smiling and pinching her mouth.

"But it's Izadra."

"Hehe, sister. Why is Lewie so against having a pet?

"That's because it's so hard to keep something so big"

"You're lying."

My sister assured me that she was lying while she was talking.

"What does ⁉ mean?

"Hehe, I am your sister. So I'm looking forward to seeing what your sister thinks."


"You're actually opposed to Lewie because he doesn't like having a pet and stopping dealing with his sister, right?

My sister says with a laugh at Nimmari.

Ha, I can't believe you disagreed with me for such a childish reason.

"What are you talking about? This younger brother's dumb sister. I can't believe my concubine would think that. I'm so sorry for your loss."

A sister who tells you like she's frightened.

But I didn't miss it. That one eyebrow is shaking.

I'm not aware of myself, but actually, my sister has a habit of moving a single eyebrow if she finds out she's lying.

What? You're just opposed to keeping it because you end up dealing with pets and you don't like me neglecting to deal with your sister?

I'm really sorry about this guy, too.

... No, you're not. I'm sorry to hear about all my sisters.

As I sighed inside, my sisters looked at me in unison.

"Hey, what?

"No... nothing"

I thought you said something like this.

"Me too."

"As my sister, I thought I was told not to listen a little."

"Mm-hmm. Concubine too."

"Ki, it's my fault..."

Damn, that's a good idea.

Is the boulder my sister?

"Sister. I'm not just dealing with pets, I'm dealing with my sister, so you're allowed to keep them."

"Uh-huh. If that's what you're going to say... no. The concubine is about what's going on with Lynn."

"Sister, I took your word for it."

My sister laughed with her mouth in the shape of a three-day moon.

"Chi, chi, it's different. My concubine thought nothing of Lynn."

"Yes, sir. Okay, by the way, Lewie."


"I don't mind keeping it, but take good care of it"


"Great. Then I'll give you a hug for your reward"

When I said that, my sister followed me, so I hid behind Mai.

"Why are you running away now?

"Because that's how I feel"

"The journey. Which means you want to stick with me."

Mai followed me. [M]

"Wow, what, this punipni skin. Mmm, uh-lah, yah, yah, yah."

"Hey, stop it"

Mai cheeks on me.

"Stuff, you thieving cat"

Something about my sister is very angry, but I ignore it.

"... It's a beautiful day. It's a great day to crush an intrusive bug."

"I don't mean it from the bottom of my heart, but I'm only here to help you today. Dragon Modki Woman"

I think Mr. Vertebra and Lillim are saying something really noisy.

"Look, you may carry my Lord, but as a horseman, I am more senior, so honor me."


Something Ariane's got against MR-001, something senior-style, but I don't want to ride it when you look like a beast.

"Come on, I'm tired, shall we rest in my room?"


"Will the concubine sleep?"

"Uh, no, that, is it good?

It's okay. It's okay.

Therefore, the Fell sisters escaped from the scene.

Wait. I'm in trouble when people are gone who can take care of this situation.

Yeah? My sister stopped and looked at me.

I'm telling you something with my mouth.

Ma... let...

Uh, yeah, eh ⁉

Then something happened that could not be represented by a brush tongue, but there was no damage to the ship itself.

Yes, the ship itself.

That happened, but we're going to the Abandoned Capital again.

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