"This is..."

We saw what was on the screen.

As soon as I saw the reflection, I knew what it was.

A fortification-like building, but this is probably a fortress.

In view of the fact that that 'Abandoned Capital' was the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Vaberia, there is no doubt.

I forgot my name, but I hear it was made to defend the King's capital.

Because the fortress was quite old, the walls to prevent the enemy from attacking were worn out, the colors peeled off and the moss grew. I didn't think it was strange to have dead people here.

But there was no such thing as a dead man anywhere from the footage shown from the screen.

"Hmm. Sounds like an old fortress."

"I think there's something going on, Sister Izadra. What are you gonna do?

"... In the meantime, let's see if the building is not aging. If you can use it, wait at that fortress until the troops of one of those countries are withdrawn or wiped out. If it's too old to be used, just reuse it."

"Right. Then who's gonna investigate?"

I interrupted where Sister Fell and Sister Isadora were talking.

"Yes, sir. I want to go."

I strongly say I want to raise my hand and investigate.

I haven't been there much, but I remember it in my past life.

You might want to see what's going on inside.

"" No. ""

Then the sisters other than Sister Rose and Sister Miriam, who were not here, objected.

"There's no way you're gonna let U-chan go where you don't know what's there."


"Lewie, you must be aware of your position. Even if it's the royal family of the demon kingdom. Have enough to tell if it's dangerous or not."

Damn, you can't say anything if you disagree with even Sister Hell who doesn't normally talk about this kind of thing.

But if we lose here, there's no point in saying it.

"Do something about it"

When I look up at the three of them, they jam the words.

"... wait a minute"

That said, the three discussed in circles a little further away.

Dozens of minutes later.

"The outcome of the discussion. You can go conditionally."

"Yay..................... conditional?

On what terms?

I accidentally swallowed my spit.

"The condition is to take us."


Why do I have to go with my sister to go where I remember old times?

I don't like boulders.

"Can someone do it alone, then?

"" No. ""

Eh, I can't help it here. Do I have to go with my sisters?

"Wait a minute"

Mai pinched her mouth there.

"What could it be?

"It will not be the place for those who are royalty of the demonic kingdom to go. Then I'll go."

Mai slapped him in the chest.

"That's probably where I've been before, and I know the internal structure."

"Oh, really?"

"That would be nice."

If anyone says they know the structure of that fortress, they decide that they should go.

"... can I leave it to you?

Sister Hell seemed to decide that was a good idea, so she asked Mai.

Then Mai answered with a joyful face.

"Of course. Sister!

Pushed by Mai's smile and the atmosphere she didn't understand well, Sister Hell pulled.

"If it's your sister's request, I'll take care of it."

Well, that's how you get to the fortress.

Sister Izadra gave the instructions.

I wanted to go, too.

With that in mind, Mai sent me a hand sign in an invisible position from her sister.

No, no, no, no, no. Oh, man.

Also... Chi... Nda.

I sent my hand sign back the same way.

Yu, uh, no, no, no, no.

That would be natural. What will they say later if I don't take them? Also... Chi... Nda.

Look at that. Points your lips out, Mai.

Ri... let's... Yi.

And then I left the bridge.

Well, shall I get ready, too?

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