The Kingdom of Vaberia succeeded in obtaining much of the land on the territory of the Demon Nation to be tasted in the "Second Demon King Crusade", which means the Allied Lord Nation.

During the negotiations, I rubbed it with some other species but managed to fit it in.

Other races have managed, but instead the human race, a fellow race, has protested.

Said that we had backward support, so we could get some territory.

Says your country did not provide any support, even if attacked by demons and other races. Shouldn't you be paying that compensation?

I came to say that there was a difficulty.

The Father King was furious when he heard the protest and dismissed it all.

Only my mother and some ministers tried to pass a compromise, but my father, the King, resolutely opposed it.

Many nobles also echoed the opinion of his father, the king.

They seem to think they can suck sweet juice in the interests of the territory they got, but reality isn't so easy to sweeten.

There are no people in the territory you have acquired, so you need to relocate them, and it costs money to get them to apply and the means of mobility to relocate them.

Plus I didn't know how long it would take to earn revenue from the territory I got.

Whether it was because of the first of the Father King's responses, or because his eyes were dazzled by the territory acquired by the Kingdom of Vaberia, a great alliance could now be formed in which a great power, now extinct but equivalent to that of the Kingdom of Vaberia, was at the centre.

Only a reply came back asking for reinforcements from other races' no reason to get their hands on human strife '.

And while he was outraged, his father, the king, stood up to his great allies alone.

The battle lasted a long time.

Thanks to the shame, there was a general feeling of war in the country. As a result, some nobles were instigated by the Great Alliance to rebel in the Wang capital.

The revolt took place when the Father King was on an expedition.

I was entrusted with the defense of the king's capital, but the great allies entered the king's capital at the behest of the rebels.

As it turns out, both the rebels and the Grand Allies are devastated. All the rebel masterminds executed.

But my mother, the queen, was lost in the rebellion, and my mask was broken.

The mask I was wearing at the time was meant to control mighty magic because I was born.

The mask was broken in the battle when he came to the rebels for a look.

As a result, my mother died because of the outburst of magic.

I have been unable to forgive it, and have forsaken my right to inherit the throne and fled the kingdom.

Disguise your own death.

As such, he was on a journey of redemption. I've noticed since what time.

That I'm getting old.

I teased him about what was going on and visited him under an acquaintance's elf to ask him why.

"It seems that the blessing of God, which your Lord has covenanted, has made you immortal. That's proportionally tens, no, hundreds of times more longevity than a person"

I was stunned to hear that. Furthermore, it was said that it would regenerate immediately, whether it was self-inflicted or fatally injured by a large amount of magic.

Then I was unwilling to do anything.

I walked the continent for a long time. I looked for a way to kill myself.

Rumors of the wind made my father the king let his nephew inherit the throne, and because of the sudden death born in the king's capital, the king's capital was destroyed and the king's reign was interrupted, but it didn't matter. Because at that time I was full of food to find a way to kill myself.

But no matter how much I looked around, I couldn't find it. Tired of searching, he returned to live in this castle fortress, where he once resided.

"... this is where I live"

Listening to Princess Aura, we unwittingly held our heads.

I didn't know that was happening after I died.

"Ugh, I can't believe that happened while we were gone..."

"... something unexpected had happened to me in the boulder."

Mai cried and Yue also leaked a sigh.

You can't tell a boulder to make that prediction, and you won't have a choice.

Princess Aura, who had spoken so far, looked at me.

"So why don't you look at me and tell me why you raised my sister's name?

Ah. With that said, you just said it unexpectedly.

What shall we do?

When we looked at Mai and the others unexpectedly, they looked at each other no matter what.

Should I say this? Don't worry.

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