Holy Royal Army, pushed out of position by the momentum of the Eisenbreit tribe.

It seemed fine to go to "Abandoned Capital" at the earliest opportunity.


"Yeah, Lewie, I know. Prepare to land. Deploy your troops to surround the Abandoned Capital when it's over."

Sister Izadra gave instructions to Tekipaki.

How can I be so sorry that I'm involved when I'm usually so capable?

"What's wrong? Lewie."

Sister Hermine, who is on her side, is asking, but it doesn't make sense to tell the boulder.


"Fine, but I think it's better to speak up to the people who want to go than that"

Oh, sure.

With that said, I headed to the place where the dragon men were.

When we found the dragon men, we arrived at the hatch.

"You can finally get in."


Dragon Man and Kurokawa are talking.

"I hope there's something here."

"Right. I wish I knew what the death of my uncle in Tenjo was like."

I know.

Well, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. So let's have a look at it with your own eyes and make a decision.

It's a good place. The problem is.

"How come they all come together?

Even though I only call her Lishmond and Princess Aura, she's not just Lillim, Mai, Yue and Vertebra, but even Sister Fell and Sister Miriam for some reason.

Speak while worrying about the volume so the dragon men can't hear you.

"Why are you even here, Mai?"

"'Cause I'm free."

Mai and Yue say with their mouths together.

I'm frightened and speechless. I hope you don't follow me for that reason.

"It is the role of subordinates to protect the Lord. I will therefore serve you."

"I just follow whomever I want."

Lillim and Mr. Vertebra gave a reason even though they hadn't asked while staring at each other.

... Well, there are a lot of problems, but it's acceptable. The problem is.

"Why are you following Sisters Fell?"

When I asked her that, Sisters Fell slipped her gaze.

I thought I'd found something, and I followed that gaze, and there was a smile on my sister Isadora's face.

"I'm just following my brother on the orders of my worried sister."

"I'm sorry!

I accidentally apologized.

Come on, sister, do something extra.

"There's a lot of people. This is going to be another pleasant walk."

Angelica, sitting on her hips, spoke to me in a pleasant voice.

"A walk. I find it uncomfortable to call this a walk."

'Well, if this is all the members, there won't be any problems on the road'

You can certainly say that about it.

"You should think about it and take him."

"... if it's so easy to break it off."

Ningro, I don't think you need so many people.

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