"And, Dad..."

"Little father of Nishien Temple. Why are you here?

Dragon Man and Deanna shouted when they saw you at Nishien Temple.

"Oh, you guys. You were here?

When Nishionji saw the dragonmen, he was surprised but relieved to see them safe.

"Oh, there are dragon people."

"Good. Be safe."

The voice of relief sounded like Saito and Toyama from his voice and face.

... yeah. My face is as I remember in my previous life.

"Saito, you've lost your forehair."

Kim's getting thinner, too.

"I wonder why Nishien Temple isn't the same as before."

My friends were looking at you at Nishien Temple and talking to Hisohiso.

Yeah, I thought so, too.

Nishionji Temple can only see your face in your twenties. [M] My hair is fluffy and I could say it's an idle hair somewhere.

Saito-kun, on the other hand, had a retracted forehead and a wider forehead.

This is good. Toyama had thinner hair overall. [M]

I know that I can see my scalp all the time because of my age, but it makes me feel sad.

When I was in high school, I thought it was so fuzzy, but I couldn't say anything when I thought it was time.

"Who is it?

"Maybe they don't know each other. The siege has a similar face to the Tatsuzu."


I think so.

The Fel sisters who saw you at Nishienji Temple were on alert, but while they were watching, they realized that you were related to the Dragon Man and resolved their alert.

Hey, I didn't expect to see you like this. I wish you'd kept your old memories.

I didn't think I'd see you again.

"Me too. Chennai, but you..."

Nishionji Temple opened his eyes when he saw my girls. [M]

"You don't look old. Did you do something?


"I changed races with the magical instrument of rebirth, and Maihua and Sena stopped getting old with the magical instrument of agelessness. Vertebra threw a dragon, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices, a thousand slices


Nishien Temple is deeply convinced by Yue's explanation.

It's not like that.

"Really? I think that's what I'm going to do because of you."

"Horseman? What are you looking at me for?

"Assault runaway stalker woman who commits crime flatly."

Nishion-ji Temple answers immediately.

We overwhelmingly blew the evaluation.

"Ku, Kukukuku, the boulder is a cyon. It's an excellent rating."

"Fufufu, you're right."

Both Princess Lirim and Princess Aura were laughing at your praise. [M]

"Oh, yeah. I was responsible for disposing of the secret data and storage in your room. Rest assured."

"Why would you do that? I had a hard time collecting it, but, ah, but I don't want to go home anymore, so would that bother me? But if I can see you like this, I think I can do as much as bring you."

"Don't say that. I thought I'd never see you again. That's why I disposed of it."

"Ah, ahhh... If this were the case, I should have had audio data as usual...."

I wonder what you're talking about.

Why do you feel the cold when you're listening?

"Where is it? Liu"

"Something's cold...."

"Oh, well, then, oneechan will give you a gew."

Fell's sister hugged me.

"So, Zhang. I've been worried about you for a while."

Nishionji Temple will see us.

"I know that Princess Aura and Lillim are there for some reason. From what they've seen, it looks like the Magus. Why are you here?

"Oh, oh, that's right."

When Yue saw me, she sent me a hand sign.

Let's... let's... let's... let's... let's... let's... let's... let's go.

I thought you asked me by hand for confirmation.

Moo-chi... Ron.

And when I returned it, Yue invited me.

Fel came out of her sister's arms and came to Yue.

"This is what we call the sixteenth prince of the royal family, Lord Lewis, who succeeded the reign of the fleeing Magus kingdom. And he has the memory of our dear friend Shinyasu Inoda."

Eh, seriously.

"... let's hear more about it."

Nishionji Temple took a listening stance, so I decided to talk about it in detail.

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