"... mmm"

"I don't know what happened...."

At the lounge on board, Ryuzuki and I held our heads.

I was worried about how I could solve what Mr. Ryuzuki had consulted me about.

"What's wrong? Both of you, hold your heads."

"Ah, Nishien Temple. Just in time."

Nishionji Temple came where we were holding our heads. [M] Just fine. I'll talk to you about Tenjo-kun.


I talked to Mr. Ryuzuki about consulting with him.

"Hmm. I didn't even think about it."

"I mean, it's Lewis. Is that what bothers you? I'm talking about the guy who killed you in the last life."

Saito-kun said that, Toyama didn't say anything, but somehow it felt like he was blaming Tenjo-kun for the atmosphere.

When I heard that, Mr. Ryuzuki looked awkward.

But when I follow you, it's too pathetic. What's the matter?

"Oh, Lewis. Were you here?"

I was embraced at the same time as I heard such a voice.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised, but I asked calmly. [M] There is only one person who does this.

"Sister. Is the bridge okay?

"Now that we're done, I'm here to see Lewis."

That said, it was Isadora's sister who rubbed her cheeks against me as expected.

When I saw his older sister, Mr. Ryuzuki was shaking his body.

My sister asks me without even paying attention to Mr. Ryuzuki.

"So what's bothering you?

"It's not something to hide. Actually."

I told my sister that Mr. Ryuzuki had consulted me.

"Are you worried about that? Lewis is a very nice person."

That's how I stroke my jaw. [M]

"Very well. Here I am my sister, and I will propose a good solution."

Why did you say that twice? I think so, but if you have a good idea, I'll let you know.

"How do you solve that?

"It's simple. We'll make sure it's okay to bring the ashes home."

"Make up a story. Well, it's not bad. Whatever you say."

"Fufufu, leave it to me. I've already thought about it."

"Heh, let me ask you something."

"The Amagi and the bastard went to the final duel with the Demon King and won, but after the battle, the ceiling broke and the debris struck the head of the Amagi and died. Amagi, who was not convinced of such a way of dying, could not become a Buddha, and was drifting around the world as a dead spirit, but the realm where the Death Magician appeared and resurrected himself as a Skeleton Soldier was destroyed along with the Death Magician, but I really wanted to become a Buddha. Lewis and the others came and defeated him with the Death Magician. And before he became a Buddha, the amagi asked him to deliver his ashes to his family. How about you bring the ashes back to fulfill the last wish of the amateur?

... it's a great story, but it's not bad.

"Hmm. Not bad. Let's do it."

"It's a great story to be in that final duel, but it's not good."

Not bad.

Nishien Temple and the others agreed.

When I saw Mr. Ryuzuki, I was wondering whether to nod or not with an unspeakable face. [M]

Well, maybe you should think about it.

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