While my sisters were kneading, the ship landed on the ground.

Why don't you go into the sub-capital and see what happens to the shop?

As soon as I left the bridge, My-chan chased after me.

"Are you coming with me?

"Of course."

The others didn't seem willing to follow us, so we headed for the ship's hatch.

When I got off, I thought it would be better for me to meet some vehicle than to go on foot, and I came before Baobaron.

Then, as soon as I tried to take out the miniaturized Baobaron and ride it, the cold ran on my spine.

Did they find out already?

Looking around with that in mind, I noticed that Ariane and Altoria were looking at us from the shadows.

I know you're looking out for something unusual in your eyes, but why?

Should we take him with us now that we've found him?

With that in mind, May-chan invited them.

"Come on, come on, Li, it looks like you won't get in, so why don't you come with me as a guard?"

Oh, that's it. Are you convinced you were watching to escort me?

"Both of you. They'll come with me."

When I said so, they looked at each other and were convinced of something. [M]

"Well, I'm not arrogant. Together."

"Phew, I wish you'd give me a ride."

It sounds like there's something in it.

We headed for the sub-capital.

I haven't been in the capital in a long time, but it's as good as ever.

The roads are filled with people of all races, and I hear voices of doing business here and there.

While watching the bustling landscape, Altoria came with her as a guard, so she was alert to the surroundings and Ariane was murmuring with something.

I was riding on a Baobaron, and I was watching with May-chan behind me. [M]

It's a big city.

"That's right. Well, that was 300 years ago."

I don't feel the age when I say 300 years ago like this.

Well, actually, much older than me.

"Are you thinking of something bad?

There is no extinction.

Oops, a woman's age was taboo.

Still, the phase seems to be intuitive.

With that in mind, we head to the shop of "Shoho Chamber of Commerce".

When I came here before, it was a big store, but I don't know what's going on now.

I don't suppose it's made up of No. 2 stores. When that happens, you'll have more work to do.

Walking with that in mind, I found Tina eating delicious food bought at the stall.

It's not bad to see a childhood friend for the first time in a while.


"Hmm? Ah, Lewi...."

Did you hear my voice? Tina looked around while sucking on what she had bought and found me and smiled, but soon she turned to her face.

"What's wrong?

When I ask, Tina snaps her chin while eating what she bought.

May-chan was up ahead.

"...... hah ~"

After seeing Tina's reaction, May-chan hugs me and pushes her chest.

"Hey, what?

Fufu ~ nn

"Gu, gu, gu"

When May-chan laughed, Tina turned upset.

What's going on?

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