I entered a rather expensive inn.

The owner of the inn said that there were only three private rooms and one room for two people, so we discussed what kind of room to divide.

"Isn't it fair to decide here?"

When Yue said so, Lirim and Shiina nodded in agreement.

I tried to disagree with the boulder, but three people were pushed by the urge, and I couldn't say anything.

Miriam's sister leaned her neck.

"... what the hell?

"Oh, I see.Miriam, don't you know your sister?In the Magic Land, this is a coin toss. "

I briefly taught Miriam the rules of garbage. [M]

The sister who heard the explanation was moving her fingers impressed.

"Have you finished explaining?Bye. "

I took out the stance that the fly was going to emit some kind of meha wave.

"Fufufu, I won't lose!"

Shinana-san also took out a posture that mimics the shape of the dragon's mouth with his hands overlaid.

"I'm strong."

The rim took out a pose like a throwing foam.

Is that it?You don't fight, do you?

"This is Janken's stance.Hee ~ "

Because the three of them took a strange stance, Miriam's sister also took a bad ride.I was impressed with the rough eagle pose.

"Miriam, sister. Don't believe me."

If you're in such a pose every time you fight, you're the only one who hurts.

"Liu, let's get started!"

Four people took a strange stance, so I held my fist lightly while hurting my head. [M]

"" "At first, goo.Nyakken ""

After we said that, I and Miriam's sister were Parr.Yue, Shinana-san and Lirim made goo.

"I did it. My cheek ~"

Miriam's sister was delighted to be able to win by playing poker for the first time.

"I don't remember. I put too much force into my fist."

"Why are you giving me goo?"

"You're out, too."

Lirim looked deeply regrettable, and Yue and Shinana quarreled by saying, "It's your fault if you lose" or "It's your fault if you lose when you say you're jerking off."

Oh my God, don't argue with these two every time something happens.

"Liu, I'm tired, so let's get to the room."

"Yes, yes."

Miriam's sister urged her to go to the room, so we left the three of them behind and went to the room with the key from the innkeeper.

The room provided was so big and beautiful.

"Hmm. It's a little stiff, but it's like this."

Miriam jumped into bed.I am more dissatisfied with the fact that the bed mud is stiffer than I thought.

"I can't help it.It's a bed for the trip. "

If it's soft at the price you paid, you'll get an extraordinary price when you check out.Don't think about it.

"Hmm. Sure... by the way, Liu"

Miriam's sister, who rolls down the bed, asks.


"What are we going to do now?

Oh, yeah.

I've come this far, so I don't mind looking at it at a glance.

But then... "

"Do I have to go into the dungeon?"

"That's what happens. It wasn't a magical country, so I'm looking forward to seeing it somewhere ~"

Well, I won't deny it.

"If there had been a magical country, I would have been there."

"Huh? What are you talking about?That's impossible. "


Does that mean I'm not strong enough?

"Do you think Issa and Rose would let Liu go to the dungeon?

"... ahh ~"

Don't disagree with those two.

I mean, if I were Isadora's sister, I'd probably crush her first.

When I was thinking about it, I heard my breath coming from somewhere.

I wonder where she could hear it from, but as she was moving her neck, Miriam's sister was sleeping in the bed next door.

I've been talking normally until now.

I decided to take a nap thinking I was a free man.

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