When the rising magical formation disappeared, it appeared in a different place than the one I had just been in.

I thought I was alone. [M]

I should have joined the three of you, but I didn't know where I was right now.

So for the time being, walking a little bit to find a clue was a bad idea.

Just a short walk away, I saw a red scaled dragon sleeping.

I didn't expect to see Elizevia so soon.

No, wait. I don't know where this is, so it's too soon to decide that the dragon in front of me is Elizabeth.

Well, if they find us, they could eat us with a bite.

I thought I should leave here as quietly as I could, but I was walking on my feet.

"I slept well. Good morning, my lord."

Angelica, the magic sword on her waist, suddenly cried out.

I mean, I've been asleep before.I thought it was reasonable and quiet.

It was good to wake up, but the timing was bad.

Did you hear Angelica's voice? The dragon slowly opened his eyelids.

"... UUUU"

The dragon that saw me sounded threatening. [M]

It tastes bad. There's a lot of magic in this dragon's body.

I don't think you can defeat such a powerful dragon by yourself.

The moment you turn your back, you're bitten even as you flee.

All we have to do here is raise our hands to show that we have no hostile intentions.

You're not going anywhere?

"Turn your back and you'll be bitten."

However, the previous life flew to the dragon's nest in a dying state, and in this world, the dragon is in danger of life, so don't feel familiar with the dragon.

Looking at the dragon with that in mind, he wooshes at me. [M]

... please, do something.

I can't run or do anything with this.

I was worried about what to do, and I heard a nose song from behind.

"Lady, it's time for dinner."

Looking back at the familiar voice, I found Julio, a maid of the Ascray family, there.

It's been a long time, but I'm not old at all.

What do you mean? Yeah, well, I heard that Julius and the others are artificial creatures.

Wouldn't it be strange if you didn't get old?

Oh, who is this girl?

Julio looked at me with strange eyes. [M]

"Um, uh, can I ask you something for now?"


"Where is this place?"

"This is the top level of the dungeon."

Top tier? I mean, the tallest place in this dungeon.

Apparently, they flew us out of nowhere.

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