Gu Qingyun picked up the phone in a bit of a daze, connected it directly without looking at it, and said, "Who."

On the other side of the phone, Pei Linglong's voice was very loud, and she was also angry, and said: "Teacher Gu, you go to Weibo to take a look! Park Zhenmei is really too much!!" Gu

Qingyun had a question mark in his mind, and his confused mind thought about Park Zhenmei's person inside and out, but he really didn't remember who this person was.

"Park Zhenmi, who is this, what's wrong with her?" Gu Qingyun opened his eyes, lay on the bed and rubbed his hair.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, you can go to Weibo and take a look!" Pei Linglong hung up the phone after speaking.

Looking down at his phone, which had gone black, he took a deep breath before sitting up from the bed.

didn't brush his teeth and wash his face, he went straight to the study in slippers, his curiosity had been successfully aroused by Pei Linglong!

Turn on the computer, Gu Qingyun sat on the chair, wearing pajamas, crossed Erlang's legs, and the slippers on his right foot swayed, as if he was going to fall to the ground in the next second.

clicked on Weibo, and before Gu Qingyun went to search for Pu Zhenmei, he saw that the message at the top right of Weibo showed 999+

, which made Gu Qingyun stunned for a moment, if he remembered correctly, he had already cleaned up the news last night, why was there so much?

With curiosity, Gu Qingyun clicked on the message, and looked at the information that was basically Aite him, which made him even more curious.

I clicked on the link and jumped directly to Aite's page.

Looking at the Weibo name Park Zhenmei and looking at the high-tech selfie, Gu Qingyun did not have the slightest nostalgia, and directly looked at the news she posted.

[@刘卿你的歌曲抄袭我一年前的单曲, I have already sent a lawyer's letter, and I have not received a public apology from you so far, do you have to make a big fuss

? How many songs have you plagiarized from our Gao country and Sakura country in such a big country? Is this the music level of a big country? It is all supported by plagiarism? I am already collecting evidence, and I will sue you for infringement according to law for those songs you plagiarized!

In my opinion, there are very few songs that can be listened to in the current Chinese music scene, and in addition, the oracle bone inscription has been certified to the International Cultural Heritage Association, and this kind of writing is owned by our Gao country

! As far as these songs you have written, they are really insulting to the oracle bone inscription, so I suggest that you read more books and do not write those unsightly lyrics! @国际文化遗产协会

]. In fact, when he saw it at the beginning, Gu Qingyun didn't feel anything, after all, there had been similar things in his previous life, of course, in his previous life, people spent money to buy copyrights.

But in this world, there is no copyright to buy? If this is the case, what people say is right, compensation should be compensated, and it should be taken off the shelves, there is nothing to say.

But when he saw the back, Gu Qingyun's angry mood completely exploded, and the slippers hanging on his right foot finally fell to the ground.

Looking at what Park Jung-mi said, the oracle bone inscription turned out to be from Gaoguo, and what kind of heritage association did you submit an application for registration

? Huawen evolved from the oracle bone inscription, so isn't the current Chinese language from

Gaoguo? I can go to @#¥%! When Huaguo Oracle was born, you Gaoguo was still a village! This Nima can be rubbed?

If it weren't for Li's combination of Chinese to create Gaoyu, you wouldn't even have your own native language, and you would still have the face to directly call the oracle bone inscription your Gaoguo's?

Gu Qingyun's hands trembled a little, and he opened the comment to give her a comment, but found that the comment area was overwhelmingly scolding him.

"If you step on a horse and say plagiarism, you will plagiarize, what kind of oracle bone inscription is you talking about? What can you explain clearly about the brief history of your high country? Register this and that day by day, register this and that, and see who takes care of you?"

"Yes, we admit that the song is plagiarized, but if you want to say that our Chinese characters are plagiarized from your high characters, then I will scold the street! How many things have you secretly registered that belong to our Chinese country? Now you are even eyeing Chinese characters?"

"I don't dare to fight back when I am scolded by others, the sorrow of the Chinese music scene, you plagiarize a good fart! Ask people to buy a copyright can make you poor? Now people directly name and surname, Liu Qing hurriedly came out and was beaten! @刘卿

""I just said how those songs are so familiar, they turned out to be plagiarized! And there is no copyright! I thought you had a copyright! Now people are blocking the door and scolding, and you are embarrassed to throw it abroad!"

""In this way, Lao Gu is still reliable! At least all the songs are original, this is the hope of the Chinese music scene!Those plagiarized people are far away!@顾青云

""Lao Gu came out to evaluate, someone has robbed our country's text!@顾青云

""Plagiarized your songs are just like that, you go and listen to Lao Gu's songs, you will know what real Chinese music is@Gu Qingyun""

I also deliberately went to listen to your original version, don't sing in that voice, go to the market and shout to sell eggs, let you listen to what is the sound of nature!@颜依裳@裴玲珑"

Looking at the people who kept Aite on the comments, Gu Qingyun suddenly became less angry.

As for the matter of registering the copyright of Oracle with the other party, it would be a ghost if it could be successfully registered.

Other things may be open to one eye, but this kind of matter of principle is absolutely impossible.

Looking at so many people Aite himself, Gu Qingyun thought about it, and directly typed a message:

[@朴贞美, since you said that the oracle bone inscription is your country, then the Chinese characters should also be your country, I don't fight you about it, because your brain capacity is limited, I will write you a few words, if you can recognize it all... I don't think you can recognize it all, so I should let you know it for a long time.

Standing alone, in cahoots.

Walking alone, Daigo empowerment.

Mianmian gourd, enshrined as a guide.

The dragon is long, and the horns are beautiful.

Graceful and sobbing.

Baba and babble, not sloppy and not bad.

Just these six sentences, if you can read them completely, I will admit that you can speak Chinese, if you can't read them, what proves what association in the back will be deleted, it's really embarrassing. Pressed

the enter key and successfully released it, that's all, Gu Qingyun can be regarded as taking care of the other party, he is afraid that he will go directly to the hell level to scare the other party away.

Only three seconds later, the comment posted by Gu Qingyun instantly had more than 10,000+ likes and is still growing.

The comments below this comment are even more than dozens of increases.

"it! it! it! I'm a fake Chinese? Are these really Chinese characters? Why don't I know any of them??" "Defeat magic with a capital letter

, it has to be you, Lao Gu!" "Come on, come on, @朴贞美 If you read these words to us, we will admit that you know the Chinese language!" "

I, a college graduate, actually have a lot of words I don't know, and labor and management have gone to a fake university ??!!."


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