It has a fist-sized blood hole on its head, and it is already dead and can no longer die.

"This was just hit!" The girl covered her mouth in shock: "Lin Fei, how did you see it?"

"It's hiding in this room, no one can see it, and it doesn't make any sound."

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Actually, I'm a sharpshooter."

"Shut up."

The girl followed with a smile and said, "You must be lucky enough to hit it with just one shot."

"Really smart." Ye Feng smiled.

Lin Fei held the gun in his hand, and was very happy in his heart. It was really cool to have a gun, and he wanted to take it out and kill a few waves of corpses to try it.

"Go back." Lin Fei smiled.

"Chef, I want a big meal."

The girl immediately rolled her eyes at Lin Fei, she didn't understand why Lin Fei was so happy, but she agreed.

"Good meal, I'll satisfy you."

But before the two got home, the girl's card suddenly lit up and vibrated gently.

"Someone sent me a message." The girl immediately took out the card and looked at it.

Sure enough, there is a notice above.

"All A-levels, gather at the base, there is an emergency!"

The girl crossed out the message, then raised her head and asked Lin Fei, "Do I want to go?"


Lin Fei said, "Go and see what's going on."

"Then you go too." The girl said, "If you don't go, I won't go either."

"Where is it fun to cook food at a meeting?"

"I'll go too." Lin Fei smiled lightly.

In fact, he was also a little curious, what was the meeting like?

In the end, Lin Fei followed the girl to a tall building.

This tall building is the center of the entire rally.

In other words, the assembly is built around this building.

In front of the door, there are heavy soldiers guarding, wanting to be very troublesome in the past, Ye Yuxue is A rank, so he was released, but Lin Fei was stopped.

"Please show your card."

At this moment, the girl stood up: "I'm going to take him in. If he can't go in, I'll leave too."

Only then did the gatekeeper let Lin Fei in.

Because from the very beginning, they had been informed that this meeting was very important, and no A-level powerhouse could be absent.

The two came to a room. This room is not small, with a total area of ​​500 square meters. It is the conference room on this floor.

In the conference room, several people were already waiting.

Lin Fei knew that only A-level and above can enter here, so don't think too much, these people are all A-level existences.

"Sit whatever you want." Seeing someone come in, a shirtless man said immediately.

Lin Fei glanced at this man, why didn't he wear clothes?

To show muscle?

Or is it because of the power issue?

The girl didn't even look at him, she took Lin Fei to the farthest place, occupying one position.

"Hey, new here, what's your name?"

But the man said again: "My name is Zhang Lei, the ability is physical strengthening, how about you?"

The girl glanced at him and said, "Ye Yuxue."

"The ability is to control ice and snow."

"Very good ability." Zhang Lei smiled suddenly: "With this ability, you don't need to use the air conditioner."

The speaker had no intention, and the listener had a heart. Lin Fei's eyes lit up.


"Brother, you are really a genius." Ye Feng said to Zhang Lei.

"That's right, my grandma praised me for being smart since I was a child." Zhang Lei was proud: "Brother, you are a sensible person."

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