This is impossible.

But when they saw the visitor, they couldn't help but be taken aback.

Originally, they thought it was some superhuman who didn't understand the rules, but now they stood in the heavy rain and got close, and they really saw it clearly.

It's not a power user at all, but a monster.

It is tall, two meters tall, but it is relatively thin, as if a gust of wind can blow it down.

But these are all illusions.

Now it is standing in the wind and rain, the pace is firm, and it is walking slowly.

"There is even a monster eyeing this supernatural fruit." Someone frowned, which meant trouble.

The ripe fruit of supernatural power will attract monsters to come over. Now it's better to have a thinner one, but what about a savage cow?

The result is unimaginable.

"Stupid thing, this is not the place you can come."

At this moment, a middle-aged man stood up, and while snorting coldly, he jumped up and punched the monster.


The middle-aged man's arm immediately punched.

He is a B-level power user with the ability to strengthen his body, and now he feels that he can defeat the monster in front of him.


A crisp sound was immediately covered up by the sound of rain.

The middle-aged man was stunned.

Because he clearly saw that his fist was caught by the monster in front of him!


Before he could finish saying two words, he was smashed to the ground by the monster.


A muffled sound.

It was clearly audible in this rainy day.

The man smashed his face on the ground first, blood first came out, and then the tiles in the square cracked.

The man's hand was still caught by the monster, but he was motionless.


The monster actually said something that everyone present could understand, and its voice was very hoarse.

Just throwing it away, the man with the bloody face spun around and fell to the ground more than ten meters away, motionless, and he didn't know his life or death.

He can speak human words and is so powerful. At this moment, everyone is vigilant. It seems that this thin monster is not as simple as imagined.

"Have you ever seen a beautiful girl followed by a man beside her." The monster said in a hoarse voice.

"She killed my brother, and I'm going to let her head off..."

This monster is the man that Lin Fei and the girl met earlier. His brother turned into a monster because he ate the eggs of mutant creatures.

After the girl defeated him with a new stunt, the man was left alone.

Unexpectedly, now he has also become a monster!

This time I came to the square to seek revenge. Because Lin Fei asked the way back then, it was certain that Lin Fei and the girl would come here.

"You better not think about other people's heads, because the next moment, your head will be taken off by us."

After seeing this monster take action, the people here instantly decided to join forces to deal with the monster in front of them.

But after an hour, the group of people all fell into the heavy rain.

The rain on the ground was dyed red by the blood running down their bodies.

"Where there is water, I am invincible." The monster raised his foot, stepped on a person's head into the ground, and said, "How can a mere human being be my opponent?"

In the heavy rain, no one was intact.

Either with broken hands or broken legs, they lay on the ground and wailed with despair and horror on their faces.

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