the next day.

The girl woke up from the dream, and before she got up, she felt something strange in her lower body.

Stomach hurts.

With just a little sense, she knew what was going on.

Relatives came to the door.

"It happens to be today." The girl frowned slightly, moved out of the bed with difficulty, and walked slowly towards the bathroom with her legs together.

She didn't dare to take a step, for fear that she would leak when she opened her leg.

After walking into the bathroom, I glanced at it, and my pants were dyed red, and I could no longer wear them.

Because of the awakened power, the pain is bearable, but there is another extremely fatal problem.

"What if I don't have sanitary napkins?"

If you don't put something on it, no matter how many pants you change, it's useless. She frowned and felt a headache.

“Breakfast as well...”

Now she is a little helpless. If this problem is not solved, Lin Fei will have no breakfast.

"Forget it, his breakfast is important."

In the end, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she put back her trousers and endured to make breakfast.

When Lin Fei woke up, he found that the girl was busy in the kitchen.

But her movements are a little strange.

The steps are small and the movements are gentle.

"Not right."

Then he smelled the bloody smell next to him, and when he saw the strange movement of the girl, he immediately understood.

"I'll make breakfast this morning."

He walked over and said, "I haven't done it for a long time, and I kind of want to try it."

The girl was puzzled and said, "It will be done soon."

"Listen to me, go to the bathroom to wash up first, and I'll make breakfast today." He arrogantly took all the spatulas.

"All right."

The girl also felt uncomfortable, so she just went into the bathroom to wash it. Although she has become a power user, she still doesn't know if she will be infected.

"Looks like I'm going to stay here for the next few days." Lin Fei chuckled. The plan to go to City D had to be suspended for now. It was still more important to find a way to help the girl find sanitary napkins.

"It's usually sold in supermarkets."

He decided to go out after breakfast to look for it. The girl came to her relatives, and she must not have slept well last night, so she wanted the girl to have a good rest.

This morning, the girl's appetite was not very good.

Lin Fei poured some honey water for her and said, "Wait at home for a while, I have something to go out for."

"What are you going to do?" The girl was a little nervous. Could it be that her own affairs have been discovered?

"you guess."

Lin Fei smiled and said, "I'll tell you if I guess."

After saying that, he flew away from the balcony.

He first went to the supermarket where he was looking for someone last time. He searched the whole supermarket and couldn't see the sanitary napkin, so he left.

"Find someone to ask." Lin Fei thought to himself.

It is not difficult to find other survivors in this city.

Lin Fei returned to yesterday's square and started the perspective to take a look. Sure enough, all those people had not left.

There are people here recovering from injuries.

He went down and found someone to ask.


Xie Feng was recovering from his injuries, but at this time, a figure suddenly flashed in from the window.

"Who?" Xie Feng was taken aback.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." Lin Fei apologized first, after all, it was his own problem to break in suddenly.

"It's you!"

When he saw Lin Fei, Xie Feng's pupils trembled, what was he doing here?

"Do we know each other?"

Lin Fei was puzzled, but still asked his own question: "Is there a supermarket nearby? I want to find some sanitary napkins."

Xie Feng was stunned for a moment.

But it soon became clear that it was the problem of the girl beside him.

"I know." He nodded.

After Lin Fei got the news, he first thanked him, saw that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and left some medicine before leaving.

"I forgot that I still have painkillers..." Lin Fei was helpless.

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