He knew that Lin Fei was not simple, but there were thousands of zombies on the street in front of him!

Chen Hao believed that Lin Fei had the ability far beyond ordinary people, but he didn't think he could survive in the face of thousands of zombies.

Even if there is a superman standing here today, they will be overwhelmed by the zombies!

Chen Hao took out a box from his backpack, which contained gasoline and empty beer bottles.

"We can use Molotov cocktails to cause a riot, and then take the opportunity to rush over." He said, and then seized an opportunity and threw the Molotov cocktail out.


With a light sound, the incendiary bottle exploded, gasoline drenched on the zombies, and then the flames raged.

"While now!"

Chen Hao's eyes lit up, and he took out two green-blooded clothes from his backpack, one for Lin Fei and one for himself.

"It's full of zombie blood, which can confuse them."

The other three men also put on their clothes, and then ran out with Chen Hao.

Lin Fei followed immediately, but he didn't put on the dirty and smelly clothes because he felt like he could smoke himself to death.

"Stealth, start!"

Lin Fei's breath disappeared immediately.

Others do not really disappear, but hide all their breaths and reduce their sense of existence.

Even when standing in front of one person, the other person will not notice the other person standing in front of him.

The flames on the street were raging, and many zombies rushed over when they smelled it. Many zombies were also drawn from the supermarket, but they all ran past a few people.

"Why don't you wear a concealment suit!"

The three men looked extremely ugly when they saw Lin Fei swaggering over.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

Lin Fei said calmly, "Don't worry, they can't see me."

"Of course they can't see you." A man chattered: "Because they can't see anything, they can only smell you!"

"If you want to die, get away and don't pull us."

Lin Fei glanced at the man and said nothing, but still kept his distance from them.

Now that he has found the supermarket, it doesn't matter to him whether there are these people or not. The other party dislikes him, so he just acts on his own.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao frowned slightly, pondered for a moment and then said, "Don't quarrel for now."

He looked at Lin Fei again and said, "Brother, don't worry about it, because his wife and children were killed by zombies who were attracted by others, so he has some..."

Chen Hao didn't continue talking, and Lin Fei knew it in his heart.

"I'm fine," he said.

"Big brother..." The man wanted to speak, but Chen Hao glared at him and immediately lowered his head.

The group of four finally entered the supermarket.

Countless zombies are scattered in the supermarket, one floor, two floors and three floors... There are zombies on every floor.

"When the mutation happened, many people didn't have time to escape." Chen Hao said.

"Let's go get food now!"

But when they walked to the shelf where the snacks were placed, they found that all the food was gone, and there were many broken packaging bags on the ground.

"Could it be that someone got there first?" Chen Hao frowned.

Then he came to the place where rice, grain and vegetables were sold, and it turned out to be empty.

"It looks like someone got here before us."

He glanced left and right, and then continued: "Let's go to the basement first, where there must be the fewest zombies and the safest!"

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