"Did you come back with new prey? Well done."

Several muscular men in the basement walked over slowly, with playful smiles on their faces, and looked at the girl up and down.

The girl hated this kind of gaze, Liu Mei frowned slightly.

The fat man also laughed: "It's normal, these two people are too deceived, and they are not vigilant at all."

He said: "I have already inquired about the news of these two people. Both of them have no abilities."

"There is still food in the man's backpack, you can kill it and take it away, the woman..." He looked at Ye Yuxue and smiled meaningfully.

"You are really not easy." Lin Fei said to Fatty.


Fatty smiled lightly and said, "It's just that you are too stupid to easily believe what I said."

Lin Fei also laughed and said, "Have you ever thought about the possibility that from the beginning, the news you got was all fake?"


Fatty's expression changed slightly, he really never thought of this!


In this basement, a biting cold wind suddenly blew.

The fat man looked at the girl and was shocked to find that it was snowing next to her!

She has powers!

Fatty's face suddenly became extremely ugly, because he was always deceiving people, and he never thought that he would be deceived one day.

As soon as the girl raised her hand, countless ice cubes shot towards everyone in the basement.


As a result, these muscular men without shirts are not simple.

Their skin instantly turned pitch black, shimmering with metallic luster, and those ice cubes smashed into pieces when they hit them!


Fatty smiled and said, "Even if you lied to me, it doesn't matter, because they are all A-level power users."

"Even if you are strong, you can't escape today!"


Fatty suddenly lengthened his voice and said, "I actually have two abilities."

"Two abilities?" Ye Feng was a little curious. It turns out that there are people in this world who really have two abilities.

So will people have all the powers?

"One is to make the zombies unable to detect me." Fatty's eyes fell on the girl, and a pink light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The girl's movements suddenly froze.

Fatty smiled: "And the other one is manipulating others."

"Forgot to mention, I am also an A-level power user, as long as the ability is lower than mine, I will be controlled by me."

The fat man looked at the girl and gave her an order: "Kill your boyfriend."

He looked at Lin Fei and said, "It might be interesting to see you kill each other."

"Are you stupid?" Lin Fei replied to him.


Fatty was stunned, because he also found something abnormal, because the girl didn't act at all.

She raised her hand.


This basement instantly turned into a world of ice and snow.

"How is that possible?" Fatty's expression changed drastically. This was the first time that the ability he controlled failed.

"Didn't you guess, she's actually S-class?" Lin Fei said.


Fatty seemed to be struck by lightning suddenly, his whole body froze, his face was terrified, and he even took two steps back uncontrollably.


Not only the fat man was stunned, but even the muscular men were frightened. This fat man actually tricked him into returning an S-rank!

"You are a traitor!" Someone yelled, pointing at the fat man.

The fat man's mind was already white.

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