After the identities were registered, the two went to look for a place for the first time.

It was still the same, there were too many people in the gathering, the housing was tight, and the environment was not very good, so the two had to go to the city where the zombies were rampant.

Now that they are all out, they must be looking for more comprehensive villas such as home appliances.

"There is indeed a villa next to the meeting." Lin Fei's eyes lit up when he saw the villa area.

The villa area is huge.

Lin Fei and the girl finally chose a place to live next to a park. There is a lake in the park, and the water is very clear. The environment must have been good before coming here.

The two cleaned up all the zombies in the villa, and while the girl was cleaning the house, Lin Fei slipped into the park.

He took the grab, grabbed one at a time, and eliminated all the zombies running rampant in the park.

Finally came to the lake.

"Will there be some monsters hidden in it?"

Because there was a huge leech hidden in the lake last time, so now Lin Fei was standing next to the lake, opened the perspective and looked at it, and was suddenly stunned.

There was a humanoid monster inside!

This thing is very familiar. It is tall, with scales all over its body, gills on its mouth, and fins on its hands and feet, but after all, it is not a fish, but a tall humanoid monster.

It's familiar because I've seen it before.

That's what the two brothers turned into monsters.

It's just that this one in front of him seems to be more mature and powerful.

"It's incredible, it's incredible." Lin Fei felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

At this time, the monsters in the lake also discovered Lin Fei.


I saw it show its hands and feet, and it rushed out from the bottom of the water like a rocket.


"I can't believe that there will be free lunch delivered to your door!"

The monster laughed and spoke human language, and it seemed that it was also made by humans.

"Another person who has fallen into darkness." Lin Fei sighed, it seemed that this apocalypse was really too dark, and it was too difficult to live.

"When death is imminent, you dare to ignore me?" The monster smiled: "You are the funniest person I have ever met."


Lin Fei solved it with one punch, but after listening to the other party's words, he couldn't help asking: "How many people have you met before me?"

"A dozen? Dozens?"

The monster smiled and said: "There are too many, I can't remember clearly, you just need to know that you are not alone on the Huangquan Road."

As soon as the voice fell, its figure disappeared!

Because the speed is too fast, especially after encountering water, all their abilities will be released.

In an instant, he was behind Lin Fei!

It smiled grimly: "I am in a good mood today, and I will give you a happy way to die!"

The monster's finned hands grabbed Lin Fei's head and lifted it up, trying to pull out Lin Fei's head, along with the spinal cord.



It was discovered so suddenly that it couldn't be brought up!

In its hands, Lin Fei seems to be heavier than Mount Tai, even if it uses all its strength, not to mention pulling its head up, Lin Fei's feet can't leave the ground!


The monster roared: "Get up!"

It really tried its best, a pair of arms as strong as elephant legs, blue veins burst out, and you can see the beating of blood vessels.

But Lin Fei still couldn't get up for half a minute.

"I wipe, why are you so heavy?" The monster let go of his hand, retreated more than ten meters away, and looked at Lin Fei vigilantly.

"Am I heavy?"

Lin Fei fell into deep thought, and finally said: "It may be that the food has been too good recently, and I have gained weight."

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