He was so fast that when he stepped on the ground, the ground cracked.


Flash punched out, hitting the monster's head with a sonic boom!

But at this time, the monster also punched!


The two fists collided, like a grenade exploding, and the smoke and flames instantly engulfed the two of them.

bang bang bang-

Shining staggered out of the gunpowder, looking at the front with a horrified expression, the monster was slowly walking out of the gunpowder!

"how is this possible!"

The punch just now, he lost.

The monster has nothing at all, and is even pushing forward, and what about him?

Now Flash feels that his right hand is not his own.

His left hand covered the arm of his right hand, and his right hand was shaking violently uncontrollably.

The power of this monster is really too great!

As soon as he punched, he felt as if he had punched the steel plate, almost splitting his bones.


Shining knew that if he fought like this, he was definitely not the opponent of this monster, and the monster attacked him earlier, causing him to suffer a lot of injuries.

From the beginning, he was at a disadvantage!

Without any hesitation, Shining turned around and ran, and escaped with all his strength.

But just ran out of 100 meters.

"Where do you want to go?" The monster's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Glitter glanced to the side, and was suddenly so frightened that goosebumps arose.

This monster is actually chasing after him!

And, spit out human words!

Talking monsters!

Shining's brain trembled, this monster is really too strong, not only the power far surpasses himself, but also the speed that he has always been proud of, has also been surpassed by the other party!

"go back!"

Said the monster, waving his arms horizontally, directly hitting the shining face.


The shining face was sunken to the extent visible to the naked eye, and then the whole person, picking nose and spraying blood, swirled in the air, flew more than 20 meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

Flash lay motionless on the ground and fainted.

But his eyes were equally wide.

There was despair and fear in his eyes.

Is such a powerful monster really something that humans can deal with?

As powerful as oneself, the pinnacle of human beings, S-rank, but still defeated by the opponent's one move!

bang bang bang-

The monster walked to Shining's body, turned him over with his feet, glanced at the miserable condition of the other party's nose and mouth bleeding, and laughed.

"Is this the strongest among them?"

"Is it true that humans are so weak?"

"I've always been over-hearted, to such an extent that I can't even warm up!"

After all, turn around and leave.

This time, his direction is the assembly area.

At this time, the alarm was also raised during the rally.

Because the Meteor Swordsman was found seriously injured and unconscious near his home, as for his home, it has become a ruin.

It looked like a bad fight had broken out.

"What kind of enemy can defeat the Meteor Swordsman?"

On the street, many people were running around. They were nervous and scared and wanted to know the answer very much.


The sky gradually became gloomy, a thunderstorm rang out, and a figure stood on a tall building beside the street.

It was the monster from before!

"It's me."

He jumped up, then fell from the air, and stood on the street, blocking everyone's way.


When they saw this monster, many people screamed in fright.

"Everyone, run!"

At this time, several power users came out of the crowd immediately.

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