He also recovered because of the changes in the world, and at the same time became more powerful. The monster in front of him can be killed at Qingfeng A-rank, and his S-rank is naturally more capable!

But they never thought of it.

This monster was not something that S-class could deal with. When the girl first saw it, she was taken aback by this monster.

Two lightning bolts burst out of the monster's eyes, but he was easily dodged by the flashes. Since he became stronger, his speed became faster.


The monster just spit out these two words.

And the next moment, it disappeared from its place.


Flash was originally running fast, his speed was so fast that it was invisible to ordinary people, but with a muffled sound, he was kicked out.


Everyone present clearly heard the sound of broken bones.

It came from the flash!

Shining was kicked by the monster, blood spurted from his nose and mouth, his entire chest was sunken, and he slammed into the Meteor Swordsman in an extremely embarrassed manner, and the two fell to the ground all at once.

"Flash!" Meteor Swordsman shouted.

"Don't get excited, I'm not dead yet." Flash spoke with difficulty. At this time, he felt that the whole body was not his own.

He looked at the reappearing monster with a look of fear: "How could you be so fast?"

"You were definitely not an S-class monster!"

"Ha ha--"

The monster smiled: "Why am I an S-class monster?"

"It's you who are too weak, the one who can only defeat me, is much stronger than you are now."

"You mean Qingfeng?"

Meteor Swordsman and Flash frowned. At this time, there was already a big riot in the assembly. Thousands of people were burned alive, Qingfeng should have appeared.

"What about the others?"

"The person who defeated it last time was never Qingfeng." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded, and the black widow appeared here.

And in her right hand, there is still a person, it is Qingfeng who disappeared.


Black Widow threw Qingfeng to the ground and said, "The one who defeated this monster before was Lin Fei."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was shocked.

"That liar, how is that possible?" Flash and Meteor Swordsman said first.

Those people not far away were filled with righteous indignation.

"Bingling Qiangwei and that Lin Fei, these two men and women are just a joke. Just Lin Fei's E-rank, how could he defeat an S-rank monster?"

"He doesn't even have supernatural powers, and it's not enough to stuff monsters between his teeth!"

These people are righteous.


Black Widow laughed angrily and kicked Aomine on the body.


Qingfeng screamed, immediately got up from the ground, pointed at Black Widow angrily, and said, "You better show some respect to me, I'm S-rank!"

"Are you S-class?"

Black Widow smiled and said, "Then you can defeat this monster now. Didn't you defeat it before?"

Qingfeng looked towards the monster and froze immediately.

Because he saw that terrifying, pale face again.

Everything he saw and heard that day rushed into his heart, and at this moment his soul was shaking.

He felt that his feet were not his.

Don't listen to your control at all.

But other people don't know, they saw Qingfeng, as if they saw hope, they shouted excitedly.

"Qingfeng, come on, like before, defeat this monster!"

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