However, because of another mutation in the world, the one in front of him seemed even taller, and the armor on his body shone like the hardest armor in the world.

Lin Fei glanced at these people, so did they know there were monsters inside?

But he still stepped forward to open the door.

Because I want to see the ability of this snake brother.


He pushed the door of the warehouse, and the heavy iron door suddenly made a harsh sound, alarming all the zombies around.

And the monsters in the warehouse also made a noise.

"You bastard!" Brother Snake heard the loud noise, and his face turned black.

Lin Fei shrugged and said, "You asked me to push the door. It's your fault."

Brother Snake wants to say something, but at this time, he has seen many zombies gathered from all directions.


There was also a loud noise in the warehouse.

The next moment, a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

When everyone was in a trance, Lin Fei returned to the girl's side.

"When the matter is resolved, I will settle the account with you." Brother Snake said fiercely, he felt that this incident was mainly caused by Lin Fei.

After the third heaven and earth mutation, ordinary zombies became more powerful.

Although they are staggering, their speed is much faster than that of normal people, and some of them are even crawling on all fours like spiders.

"Go to hell!"

Brother Snake spoke coldly, his hands stopped in front of his chest, as if he had caught a ball.

The next moment, Lin Fei saw traces of black light coming from all around, turning into a black ball of light between the man's hands.

He threw it towards the side with the most zombies.


When the black light ball flew out, black rays of light shot out from it, penetrated dozens of zombies, and immediately killed a bloody path.

"You can solve the rest." Brother Snake said, and he focused his attention on the rushing monster.

"I've never met this monster before." He raised his eyebrows.

Raise your finger.


The black light hit the monster's armor and was immediately bounced off, and the armor glowed black without any damage at all.


Brother Snake sneered and jumped up. He could jump more than ten meters high. He wanted to jump behind this monster.

But before he could land, the monster seemed to see through him, turned around immediately, and swung a claw at the place where Brother Snake was about to fall!


The claws were so sharp that when swung past it seemed to cut through the air.

When the man in midair saw this scene, his brows immediately wrinkled, this monster was much more flexible than he imagined, and he even shot ahead!

If it fell like this, he would definitely be cut in half.

So at a critical moment, the black light condensed on the man's hand and pressed it down with one palm.


A black light hit the monster and immediately exploded, but the monster still stood there, and the movement of waving its claws still did not stop.

The monster's armor shone brightly, and it was this armor that blocked the attack.


The man scolded: "Why is this ghost so hard?"

Although this blow did not affect the monster, the momentum of his subsequent attack flew back a certain distance, just avoiding the monster's blow.


The monster hit empty this time, revealing a huge flaw.

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