At this moment, Wushuang Jianji's voice rang not far away.

"Another S-class." Everyone frowned.

When Wushuang Jianji approached, people took the initiative to make way for her to walk in front of Feng Wuhen.

"You are far from my opponent." There was still no wave in Feng Wuhen's eyes.

Lin Fei was even more surprised at this time.

He has seen the strength of Wushuang Jianji. Although he is a little weaker than the girl, his strength is not bad.

"It looks like this Feng Wuhen is very strong," Lin Fei said.

"Big brother, where are you from?" A man who had retreated to Lin Fei's side heard Lin Fei's words and couldn't help but complain immediately.

"In City E, who doesn't know Feng Wuhen?"

The man said: "He is the second-ranked S-rank power user in City E. He once brutally killed five bulls by himself, and he has never been defeated for so long."

"He is synonymous with invincibility!"

"That said, he is really strong." Lin Fei couldn't help but admire.

"That is, what is invincible?" the man said: "I think even if the legendary one is the number one in the world, it may not be his opponent."

"Is it that strong?" Lin Fei's admiration was even more powerful.

"He is invincible, can't he be strong?" the man said, "For someone like you, Feng Wuhen can hang you a hundred times with one hand."

Lin Fei looked at Feng Wuhen, and it seemed that this person was really powerful. After all, others have said that even the number one in the world is not his opponent.

"It's a bit difficult." Lin Fei sighed.


Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the surrounding woods.

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, everyone became vigilant.

This is a wilderness, and it is not surprising that zombies appear, but this roar made the entire forest tremble.

Many people even cover their ears directly, indicating that the visitor is not good.

Wushuang Jianji's eyes immediately sharpened, and she looked in the direction from which the voice came.



Heavy footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a two-meter-high figure slowly walked out of the shadows in the woods.

"This is!"

When they saw what was in front of them, everyone felt that their hearts were tight, as if they were suddenly pinched by a hand, and they almost couldn't breathe.

Even the girl turned pale and took a step back.

What appeared in front of everyone was a monster with a human face and a dog body, and it looked much uglier than the one he had seen before.

Its body was covered with rotten flesh, and even its intestines were hanging from its belly.

Compared with the one who could speak last time, the one in front of him doesn't seem to be able to speak, but it gives a more terrifying feeling.

The girls were so frightened that they grabbed Lin Fei's arm tightly.

"What monster is this?"

Many people were so frightened by the monster in front of them that their faces turned pale, and they retreated back uncontrollably.

Even Wushuang Jianji is like this.

When he saw such a monster, his face turned pale, and the sword in his hand was shaking.

Before the fight even started, he was already terrified.

Feng Wuhen still maintained a cold and arrogant look, looking at the monster walking in front of him, he could naturally guess that the other party came for the supernatural fruit.

"I didn't expect the supernatural fruit to attract monsters."

After a cold smile, Feng Wuhen jumped up directly and cut out a wind blade in the air.

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