"What should the house look like?" Lin Fei was cutting down trees while thinking about this question.

With a light breeze in his hand, he stroked the trunk of the tree as thick as his thigh, and the tree was broken. The incision was smooth and flat, like a mirror.

When the tree collapsed, he waved his hand again, and a gust of wind chopped off all the branches.


When it fell to the ground, it had become a clean tree trunk that had been peeled off.


Lin Fei tried to use his super power to lift the four-meter-long tree trunk.

It worked.

The trunk was floating in the air, but Lin Fei couldn't feel any weight. Looking at the floating trunk, Lin Fei couldn't help but admire: "This super power is really useful."

Then proceed to cut down trees.

In less than ten minutes, hundreds of tree trunks were suspended behind Lin Fei.

"It should be enough." Lin Fei didn't understand this, so he planned to return.

"so many."

When the girl saw the hundreds of tree trunks, she couldn't help being stunned. The appearance of these hundreds of tree trunks floating in the air was really strange.

"Is that enough?" Lin Fei asked.

"It should be enough." The girl nodded, and then said, "I have also chosen a place."

She took Lin Fei to an open and flat land and smiled, "How is it here?"

This flat land is less than 100 meters away from the lake, less than 100 meters away from the hill, and there is a gurgling water passing by. The location is very good.

"It's fine here." Lin Fei said, "But now we have a very serious problem."

"What's the problem?" The girl tilted her head.

"What will our house look like?" Lin Fei asked seriously, "A matchbox?"

A matchbox is just four walls, and then a ceiling, flat and neat. Although it doesn't look good, it's easy to build and practical...  

"That doesn't look good." The girl immediately shook her head and said, "Let's make it a two-story building."

She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it to show Lin Fei, it turned out to be a house design, even a plane design!

"I've been preparing this since you said you were going to build a house, what do you think?"

The girl smiled proudly.

Lin Fei's heart skipped a beat when he looked at the design drawing that was so serious in every stroke and the girl's proud smile.

"Let's do it like this." Lin Fei said, "I'll go get the materials."


The girl smiled and said, "I'll pull up the grass here first."


Lin Fei said immediately, "Let me come."

After that, he walked up to the girl and slapped the void in front of him with both palms.


Seeing that the raging fire burned all the grass here and turned it into ashes, as soon as he waved his hand, the strong wind blew the ashes into the distance.

"It's good to have multiple abilities." The girl felt envious in her heart.

Lin Fei turned around again and asked, "These trees can only be used after they have been dried, right?"

The girl actually doesn't understand this very well, but after thinking about it, it should be right? So nodded.

Lin Fei used his super power to levitate these trees, and then used a fire to roast them underneath. Soon these trees were all roasted dry and as hard as steel.

"Lin Fei." The girl suddenly shouted, "We are missing a big pillar for support."

"With the pillars, our log cabin would be able to keep out bigger storms."

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