Lin Fei and the girl returned to the cabin through the teleporter.

This time I went out to find a lot of vegetable seeds, but the only pity was that there were no saplings.

"Plant these seeds first." Lin Fei said.

Then, he really started the great business of planting vegetables in the last days.

"I'll dig a hole in front, and you follow behind to sow seeds." Lin Fei said to the girl.

"Okay." The girl agreed.

A hoe was needed to dig a hole, so Lin Fei cut a wooden stick and stuck it on a flat stone. A simple hoe was ready.

The girl took the tomato seeds, followed Lin Fei silently, sprinkled some into the pit, and then kicked some dirt in to fill the pit.

Dozens of bags of seeds are, of course, endless.

Lin Fei simply planted a few fields and then stopped.

"I'm going to water," the girl said.

"No, I'll come." Lin Fei took the girl down the mountain, and then waved his hand, a dark cloud appeared on the top of the hill.

Then it rained.

A light rain that fell only on the hills.

"This is really a bug." Seeing this scene, the girl couldn't help but sigh, Lin Fei can call the wind and call the rain, it really is a god descended from the earth.

Unconsciously it was afternoon.

"Take a rest." The girl said, "For other things, wait until tomorrow to find them."

Lin Fei nodded and glanced back at the hill. It was originally desolate, but he cleaned it up by himself. Thinking about it carefully, it was a fulfilling day.

That night, the two lived in a cabin.

It's quiet at night here.

It is really a suitable place to live, and Lin Fei praised his ability to find a place in his heart.

the next day.

After breakfast, Lin Fei and the girl left the wooden house again.

It was agreed that we were going to find saplings and furniture.

The last teleportation location recorded by the two of them through the teleporter returned to the city of yesterday.

"Go to the meeting and ask." Lin Fei thought of this method.

When Lin Fei and the girl entered the assembly this time, they had to go through an inspection.

But as soon as he walked into the meeting, Lin Fei was grabbed by an old man's arm.

"Have you seen my granddaughter?" the old man asked eagerly, "She's only half your height and has long hair..."

Lin Fei thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

The light in the old man's eyes dimmed again.

"Old man, have you found the place where your granddaughter usually goes?" the girl asked.

"I've found them all."

Having said that, the old man was suddenly silent for a while, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "She must have sneaked out, she must be on the star-viewing mountain."

"I'm going to find her."

After saying that, he immediately walked towards the door.

But the next moment, Lin Fei grabbed the old man's arm.

"There are zombies outside, you are an old man, you will die if you go out." Lin Fei said.

"My life is worthless, mainly my granddaughter." The old man said, "She must not be in trouble."

The girl looked at Lin Fei and hesitated several times.

"Tell me where Guanxing Mountain is." Lin Fei was silent for a while, then said, "I'll go find it for you."

He remembered the little boy he had met in the supermarket.

At the beginning, I lied to him, saying that human beings have already won...

I didn't want to care about it, but since I met it, I couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

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