A strengthened bull that suddenly fell from the sky was a variable that no one expected.

"How can this be?"

When the three of them saw this monster, they were immediately taken aback. Everyone knew how powerful this monster was, but it could only be fought against by an S-level powerhouse!

"How can there be a strengthened bull here?"

"What's the matter with the people in the intelligence team? We should let S-level supernatural users come here!"

Su Yan yelled in horror.

The strengthened bull's attention fell on the three of them, with dangerous gleams in their eyes, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time and finally saw its prey.


Su Yan screamed, and immediately ran towards the entrance of the supermarket.

The other two didn't dare to hesitate, and Qian Chen directly used invisibility, but it didn't work.

The strengthened bull just stepped out and caught up with the three of them.

Punch out.


It was just one punch, and all three of them were affected, and were thrown away by the huge force. The three of them knocked over a row of shelves before falling heavily to the ground.

"Pfft!" Hongye spat out a mouthful of blood.

The complexions of the three of them were all bad, as pale as paper, and most importantly, the three of them found that they couldn't stand up.


Su Yan shouted in horror: "Why is there such a monster here?"

"I don't want to die, I can't die, no matter who it is, come and save us!"

And when her voice fell, a figure stood in front of the three of them.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Lin Fei!

"You go!"

Qian Chen shouted loudly: "You are not S-level supernatural beings, you cannot be its opponent!"

In their eyes, Lin Fei is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this monster. Within a second, he will definitely be torn to pieces by the strengthened bull.

The mantis is like a car, and it is overconfident.

But at this moment, the movements of the three of them froze suddenly.

It wasn't shock, but a real sense of being unable to move, even the girl beside Lin Fei couldn't move suddenly.


It suddenly became quiet here, it was so strangely quiet, Lin Fei found that everything here was still.

He took out his mobile phone and took a look: "Time has stopped?"

But he was not affected, it should be the invincibility function of the modifier that protected him.


The bull moved suddenly again, but it was not affected!

"Forget it, although I don't know what happened, but I have to deal with you first." Lin Fei said, and he was about to go forward and kill the enhanced bull.

But at this moment, a snow-white light suddenly fell from the opening in the ceiling that was smashed open by the bull.

That ray of light fell on Man Niu's side, and the next moment, a figure dressed in white Shengxue descended lightly.

The white cloak and the white mask are exactly the Miss Mask that they fought against before!

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed all of a sudden.

I probably understand why the time here is stopped, it should be stopped by the masked lady in front of me.

"Big brother, what is your purpose?"

Lin Fei looked at Miss Mask and said, "If you are really a god, send us back."

However, Miss Mask still did not speak.

She just raised her little hand, across the void, and pressed lightly on the strengthened bull.


The bull suddenly took two steps back, and then trembled violently.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, because he saw that there seemed to be something wriggling in the body of the strengthened bull.

Its appearance is constantly changing.

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