"But now, let's go back to eat first." Lin Fei said.

"No need." Hearing Lin Fei's words, the girl smiled proudly, "I have prepared a bento for you."

Only then did Lin Fei notice that the girl was carrying a small backpack, and the girl took out several insulated lunch boxes from the backpack.

"This one contains rice, this one contains vegetables, and this one also, this one contains soup."

Seeing the girl's self-satisfied expression, Lin Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, it was so cute.

Lin Fei rubbed the girl's head and said with a smile: "Actually, you can prepare the food and put it at home. We have teleportation, and it only takes a few seconds to go back."

The girl's eyes lit up immediately: "Yes."

But this meal is still eaten outside, which can be regarded as having a special flavor.

After eating, the two continued to rush towards the east of the city.

Far away, the two of them saw a circular open space in the sky. There was nothing in it, no buildings, no jobs, no vitality.

I didn't even see the zombies all over the street!

Don't think too much, this must be the mysterious forbidden place.

"Go down and have a look."

Lin Fei took the girl and landed on the outskirts of the open space. He didn't rush in, and only after landing did he realize that within a hundred meters around the open space, the zombies were unwilling to approach.

"What's in this clearing?" The girl was curious, but at the same time nervous.

Because she knows that this place is mysterious and unknown, with unknown power, and it is a place that humans cannot explore now.

This is a forbidden place for humans.

Standing outside the open space and looking left and right, but couldn't find anything, Lin Fei said, "Shall we go in?"

"Well, it's all up to you." The girl had already grabbed Lin Fei's hand, feeling nervous in her heart, afraid of the sudden separation between the two, but at the same time she was looking forward to the appearance inside.

The two walked towards the clearing, and suddenly!


The space in front of the two shook, and a triangular door suddenly appeared.

There is a snow-white ripple on the door, gently rippling, as if separating the two worlds.

"Go." Lin Fei said.

Then he walked in with the girl.

The moment they stepped through the door, the two felt dizzy for a while, but this feeling disappeared in an instant, and what appeared in front of their eyes was darkness.

In the dark world, there are a few suspended stones emitting a faint light. Along these stones, Lin Fei and the girl saw a castle.

"Another world?" Lin Fei asked in surprise.

I just feel that the world is becoming more and more magical now, and a bunch of incomprehensible things appear in front of me.

Suspended stones, floating castles, a world without heaven and earth?

"I'm afraid the God of Creation lives in it." Lin Fei murmured.

"My ability!" At this moment, a girl's exclamation suddenly came from beside her: "My ability is slowly dissipating!"

"Nani!" Lin Fei felt strange.

Ability is the last resistance of human beings in the last days, but now, he has encountered two situations where abilities have been restrained.

One is the purple crystal in the underground tunnel, which can deprive the supernatural powers of the body.

The second is this world without heaven and earth, where the powers of the supernatural beings will gradually be lost here, and if they are lost, they will inevitably not be restored. It is only a matter of time before the powers are exhausted and they die here.

"This is indeed a forbidden place for humans." Lin Fei murmured, "Especially a forbidden place for people with supernatural powers."

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