For the next few days, all went well.

At noon, Lin Fei finally saw a city.

This city is full of high-rise buildings, but it is located in a valley, and it is still more than ten miles away, and it suddenly feels a coolness.

Almost instantly, Lin Fei realized that there was something wrong with this city.

"That's the magic city."

The captain stared at the city in the distance for a while, and muttered: "It's strange, when I came here last month, there were not so many valleys and trees here."

"The magic capital in the valley?" Lin Fei was puzzled.

For a city, transportation and water sources are all very important.

Therefore, most cities are built along the coast or beside rivers.

This is built in a ravine, and this is the first time I have seen it.

How did this become the magic capital second only to the capital?

"This is indeed the magic city. We did not make a mistake. It must be due to a change in the world, which caused the terrain to change." The captain explained.

It was getting closer and closer to the magic capital, and Lin Fei felt that it was getting colder and colder here.

"It's so cold here."

Not only Lin Fei, but the rest of the team also felt a chill.

Not the coldness of winter, but a chill that the soul can feel.

They got goosebumps.

"It feels a little strange." The captain muttered again.

Lin Fei had never been here before, and he only felt that it should be due to the cold weather. After all, in his own world, it would be the New Year in a few days.

I want to go home for the new year...

But right now, the most important thing is to find the girl first.

"Let's separate in the assembly." The captain brought Lin Fei to the assembly and said goodbye to him.

Although the city is in a valley, it has to be said that the gathering is really big.

Larger than any rally encountered before.

The population in this gathering is probably hundreds of thousands.

"Good luck."

Others wished Lin Fei that they were able to come to this gathering alive, thanks to Lin Fei's contribution.

Lin Fei parted from them and finally came to the magic capital.

This walk is twelve days.

"I have come to the magic city, where should I find someone?" He murmured, it was basically impossible to find a person or a clue in the vast crowd.

I can only wait for Miss Mask to find me.

"Find a place to live." Lin Fei made such a decision.

Miss Mask asked him to come to Shanghai, and now that he is here, he doesn't want to leave until he sees someone.

He went to the union to log in, because he was an S grade, so the union welcomed him very much, and at the same time allocated him a villa.

"Sometimes, it's convenient to have an identity."

When he came to the villa, he just opened the dusty door when another chill came over him.

Shaking, Lin Fei felt that something was wrong with this villa.

Why is the villa allocated to S-level supernatural beings so dirty? Dust everywhere, it's almost like no one has been here for hundreds of years.

"welcome green hands!"

Just as Lin Fei was wandering around, the card suddenly vibrated, and he took it out to see that there were several new messages.

It was the rest of the S-Class in the assembly who were welcoming themselves.

Perhaps because this is the magic city, there are more S-level supernatural beings here than other places.

Twelve people!

After glancing at the message, he casually put the card back, not bothering to reply.

Are all these S-level abilities so idle?

Outside the door of the villa, there was a man in red, staring at him.

Lin Fei noticed something and immediately looked outside the door.

As a result, I didn't see anything, I just felt a little cold.

At this time, the card shook again.

When he took it out, a piece of news that made him frown came into view.

"Newcomer, did you really lead that haunted house?"

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