Looking at a bunch of new functions, Lin Fei put aside the matter of finding the evil god.

"What does this binding object mean?"

Lin Fei searched for the answer on the editor, and sure enough, the editor, who has no emotion but is very careful, has already prepared the notes.

"Binding object: It must be someone who is not hostile to oneself and has a certain degree of affection."

Seeing this, Lin Fei understood.

"Bind Ye Yuxue." There was nothing to say, upon learning of this binding request, Lin Fei immediately bound the girl.

In this case, there is no longer any need to worry about the girl being in danger.


As a result, there was a sudden error report from the modifier.

"It is detected that there is no person with the name within 100 meters of the host, please let the other person approach you."

Lin Fei frowned suddenly.

This binding requires the other party to stand within 100 meters of oneself?

For the time being, there is no way to bind it to the girl.

After thinking about it, Lin Fei turned his head and looked at the villa. Although the girl was not by his side, there was another person here.

"Bind Yun Ruoyan." Lin Fei said to the modifier in his heart.


With a crisp sound, the result sent back by the modifier was immediately heard.

"The binding was successful."

Hearing the news that the binding was successful, Lin Fei affirmed that it must be within 100 meters around him to successfully bind.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei wanted to find the girl even more.


"Why did the modifier prohibit flying last time?"

Lin Fei suddenly thought that the flight ban was not caused by the modifier itself, it seemed to be due to external force.

"If there is a first time, there will be a second time..."

Lin Fei is concerned, will this modifier be turned off by Miss Mask again?

So open the modifier again to view.

"Flight: Not activated."

The option to fly was unlocked, which meant that he could fly again.

"It's just that..." Lin Fei frowned, but he still couldn't guarantee that the modifier would be turned off.

But the next moment.

In the lower right corner of the modifier, in a very inconspicuous place, he saw another function.

"Purification: Immunity to all abnormal states, including but not limited to control and weakening. Forced activation (cannot be turned off)."

Seeing this function, Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

This is apparently a new addition in response to the previous situation.

Especially this "unclosable" has already explained everything.

Think of it this way.

Although this modifier has never said a word to himself, his IQ is still very high and he knows what he needs.

"It's time to go."

Lin Fei muttered, jumped up and flew up again.

The evil god was deep in the mountain, so he immediately flew towards the mountain. At this moment, he lowered his head and looked down. Lin Fei saw many figures shaking on the street.

There is no breath of life in them.

Obviously, it is the same thing as the paper figurine just now.

He flew very fast, broke through the speed of sound, and reached a big mountain after a minute.

Looking down, it was pitch black.

Today there is no moon and no stars, so nothing can be seen.

But the next moment, a golden light flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and the originally dark world suddenly became brighter.

This is a night vision ability, although it is not as clear as daytime, but it is enough.


Lin Fei landed on the ground, and immediately a red-edged figure marked with multiple perspectives appeared in his eyes.

Those are existences that are hostile to themselves!

"Is this hell?" Lin Fei murmured.

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