It all happened so fast.

The angel couldn't even fight back, and his hands were cut off easily, and his head was cut off.

The few people in the distance stared blankly at the scene in front of them, because they couldn't react, it was a monster that even the sword god could kill!

In front of this person, he died so quickly!

While being shocked, they all recalled the characteristics of this monster.


The worse you die, the faster you die, the stronger you will become after resurrection!

"be careful!"

The man with the scar on his face reminded Lin Fei loudly: "He will be resurrected and fully learn your abilities!"

"Get out of there now!"

No wonder the sword god ran away immediately after killing the opponent once.

He must have seen the horror of this monster!


Lin Fei only responded lightly, because he wanted to see if this monster could imitate all his abilities?


The monster's body suddenly exploded, and a wave of air rolled over, overturning all the cars on the side of the road.

Even with a distance of a hundred meters, those supernatural beings were thrown back by the gust of wind.

But when they stood firm and looked at the battlefield again, they were stunned again.

They did not see the scene of Lin Fei being beheaded.

But they saw the scene where Lin Fei grabbed the monster's head and pressed it down to the ground.

That monster has evolved again.

He became more like a person, but at this moment, Lin Fei pinched his head with his left hand and knelt on the ground!

"This is impossible!"

Angels are a little confused.

He is aware of his abilities, keeps learning from his opponents, and then surpasses them.

You can be sure that as long as you resurrect once, the person who killed you will never be your opponent.

but now.

He had only just been resurrected, and he was actually suppressed.

Not even a chance to make a move.

Lin Fei looked down at the angel and said, "What have you learned?"


The angel didn't answer, but instead asked Lin Fei: "How can you suppress me?"

"Why?" Lin Fei said lightly, "Because I'm better than you."

Since this monster is unwilling to show himself what he has learned.

He let go of the hand that held him down.

Give you a chance to make a move, okay?

As soon as he let go, the angel thought that the opportunity had come, and immediately acted.


His speed was very fast, and he disappeared from Lin Fei's eyes in the blink of an eye.

He appeared behind Lin Fei, turned his hands into knives, and slashed at Lin Fei's head.

Because the angel wanted to chop off Lin Fei's head.

Let Lin Fei experience what it means to be dead for no apparent reason!



A crisp sound stunned the angel.

His attack didn't work, because Lin Fei's skin was harder than steel, no, harder than steel.

The force of the impact returned, making Angel's arm numb.

"That's all you learned?"

Lin Fei spoke with his back to the angel, his tone seemed a little disappointed.

"What I just taught you is not just these."


As soon as his words fell, the angel's legs suddenly exploded, and the angel who lost his legs fell heavily to the ground with a terrified expression on his face.

this man!

When did you make the move?

Can't see it at all!

If you can't see it, how can you learn it?

At this moment, the invincible angel finally panicked.

This man is too powerful, how should he deal with him? There is no solution at all, even the opponent's clothes can't be smashed with all your strength!

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